Chapter XXXIV

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The following day, Jisoo and Jennie were called to have a meeting in Manoban Corp. Lisa discussed everything that needs to be discussed and everybody pretty much agreed by their suggestion since the Kims or more specifically, Jennie, is a very well-known model. It will benefit the company, for sure.

"Ms. Jennie, I would like to inform you that your sister, Jisoo, will only be able to work for the mean time due to her pregnancy. Are you still interested to work with us if not with her?" Lisa asks. Jennie could only look into Lisa's eyes for a moment before speaking up.

"Of course. I'm sure, unnie doesn't mind." she said.

"Ah, yes. Of course, I don't." Jisoo answered.

"Great. So, it's all settled. We'll start the photoshoot next week. Thank you for your time, everyone. You may go." Lisa dismissed the meeting.

"Have a great day, Ms. Manoban." one of the employees said before leaving the room.

"Yes, you too."

"You look so cool standing there." Jisoo compliments her hubby.

"Oh, yeah? What do you want to eat for lunch?" Lisa pecks her wife's lips. Jennie's clearly not liking it.

"Chicken?" she asks Lisa.

"Chicken. Of course." Lisa chuckles. "Dad, you wanna join us for lunch?"

"Nah, you go spend time with your wife, thank you."

"How about you, Jen?" Lisa asks.

"Sure. Let's go." Jennie simply answered. They were about to leave when, "Where were you yesterday? I was trying to call you but you weren't answering." Lisa's dad questioned.

"I-uhh.." Lisa glanced at Jennie. "I shopped pregnancy stuff for her, dad." referring to her wife.

"Yeah, but why don't you answer your phone? You better not do it again, Lalisa." her dad tells her.

"Sure, Appa. Sorry." she apologized. "Bye."

The three of them decides to eat on a fancy restaurant nearby. People inside were stunned by their presence. As if three celebrities came together.

"Let's order?" Lisa asks the two and they nod in response. A young girl name Rosé went to get their orders.

"Hi. Uhh, I would like to order 2 chicken pasta, a salad, 6pcs chicken barbeque, and wine."

"Is that all, ma'am?" the young waitress asked and left.

"I can't believe this. I just talked to my crush and it's only my first day." Rosé muttered to herself.

"Yah, why are you spacing out?" her co-waitress questions her.

"Do you know Lisa Manoban? The CEO of the Manoban Corp. nearby? I finally get to see her in person, I'm so happy." she squealed in happiness.

"You better hold your excitement. The wife is with her."

"I know. She's lucky, isn't she?" Rosé pouts as she stare at the three. "But who's the other girl? Do you know her?"

"Pabo, she's Kim Jisoo's sister. Did you not watch the news before? She left their company in Paris. Nobody knows what's the reason."

"Eh? Oh, so that's why she's unfamiliar. They're so pretty. I wish I could be like them, too."

While they were eating, Jennie speaks up.

"Lisa, are you able to teach me the dance today?"

"Yeah, the problem is..where?" Lisa asks.

"Oh, can you practice in your condo? I want to see your place, too." Jisoo says.


The three of them immediately went to Jennie's condominium afterwards. Lisa gave tip to the young waitress earlier before they leave.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Jisoo said, admiring the view outside. "Lisa, look!"

"I know, it's breathtaking." Jennie says. "Unnie, you can look around while we practice."

"Sure. Go do your thing."

While she looks around, the flowers got her attention.

"Jendeuk, who gave you the flowers? Do you have a boyfriend?" she asked. The two looked at each other, thinking of an alibi.

"They gave it to me." Jennie says.

"They do that here?" Jisoo is curious.

"Yeah, unnie. In case you forgot, your sister is a model."

"Oh, I get it now. Very thoughtful of them." Jisoo said.

When there's nothing else to see, Jisoo sat on the sofa and watch the two practice together.

She was happy to see the two of them interact with each other not until she gets weird feeling about it.

She notice the way Jennie touches Lisa and Lisa touches her. As if this isn't their first time touching each other.

They're so comfortable with each other. Jisoo thought.

"Have you practiced before?" she suddenly ask, causing the two to look at her.

"No, why?" Jennie answered.

"Nothing, I'm just surprised that you two seem to get along very well."

"Love, she lived with us before. Of course, we'll get along." Lisa chuckles.

Jisoo faked a smile. She doesn't know why she feels this way. The way they hold each other's hands, the way Lisa holds her sister's waist makes Jisoo uncomfortable.

Why do I feel so weird about this?


Henlo, so I decided to put Rosé in the story but only for a mean time. She won't be included with the three's love quarrel or whatever that is. Next chapter would be Jennie's birthday.

What do you think about this chapter?

Leave comments as many as you want. I'll be reading them later ;)

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