Chapter XXII

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I kissed her. I did it. I meant to do it.

My hand went down to hold her waist and the other to grab her nape. I quickly turned and pinned her against the wall. My lips went down to kiss her neck as I remove her dress.

I untied her hair and let it fall down her shoulders and back.

I unhooked her bra. Her mounds were C cup, I can tell by groping it.

She lets out a heavy sigh, almost like a moan.

I took her panties off and took her to the shower. Our wet bodies are now colliding as we passionately make out.

I pulled away, feeling guilty.

"Jennie, this isn't right.." I softly spoke, looking down on the floor.

"Hey.." she lifted my chin up. "It doesn't feel wrong. It doesn't." she kissed me once more, I immediately kissed back.

It was her turn to attack my neck, she was sucking on it too hard. I hope she won't leave any mark. I put my head on her shoulder as I grope her ass. She later on bend down and kneeled in front of me. She started sucking on my balls as she slide her hand back and forth on my dick.

It was pleasurable.

I grabbed her hair and pulls it when she started sucking my dick for a greater pleasure. My mouth was left agape the whole time she had given me a blowjob. She managed to take my full length in her mouth. She's a fucking pro in this.

"Ahh, Jen I'm gonna cum." I said in a low volume and she motioned for me to cum in her mouth.

I already came hard and we're not even starting yet.

She swallowed all the cum that I released then bit her lip afterwards.

"Fuck, that was so good." I told her when she got up. She smiled and kissed my lips.

"Your turn." she whispered and I kneeled down and puts her leg on my shoulder. I started circling around her clit and teased her before licking her cavern.

"Ahh.." she moaned. I went to grope her boobs as I eat her out. She starts pulling my hair when I inserted my tongue in her.

"Fuck, Lisa.." I looked into her eyes as I do her. Her mouth was agape just how I was lately, and tries to prevent herself from moaning by biting her lower lip. My tongue were slipping in and out of her pussy and I'm good enough to drive her insane.

I slipped my tongue out of her and inserted three fingers in her as I play with her clitoris using my tongue.

My hair was being pulled hard, that's a sign that I'm doing great.

"Ahh, fuck.." she moaned. I fasten the pace of my hand to pleasure her and later on inserted my fourth finger. With my long fingers, it's enough to make her go crazy.

"Lisa.." her mouth is still agape. "Ahh.." she leaned her head back.

"Yes, baby. Ahh.." she moans again.

"Lisa, I'm close." she told me so I stopped.

"You can't cum yet." I told her. I quickly got on my feet and lifted her up and pinned her against the wall. Her legs were wrapped around my stomach.

I kissed her aggressively. She snaked her arms around my neck for support. Our tongues were battling with each other and that's when I had the gut to insert my hardened cock inside her without a warning.

Her grip on me went tighter as I thrust her.

She leaned her head back once more, her eyes rolled in pleasure.

I thrust her hard. Causing her mouth to open wide.

"Ahh, fuck..Daddy.." she moaned, whispering in my ear.

That made me want to fuck her more. Her voice sounds so sexy.

"Ahh.." I've seen her eyes roll again. Her boobs were bouncing up and down because of the force I'm making. Her nails were slowly scratching upon my back. I sucked on her neck to satisfy ourselves even more.

I slowly removed my cock off hers. We were both panting heavily.

"Jen, we have to do this real quick." I told her and she nods her head.

I turned her around and put her arms on her back as I grab onto her hair.

"Bend down." I told her and she immediately obeyed.

I entered her cavern once more as I fuck her from behind.

I got a view of her perfect ass and it tempted me to slap it.

"Ahh.." I heard her moan.

I hardened my thrust as I let go of her hair. I held her by the waist to support her body.

When I feel myself getting close, I quickly removed my dick off hers and came on the floor.

She was breathing heavily, her wet hair made her even looked sexier.

I gently held her nape and closed the gap between us.

I don't want to get used to this feeling so I tried to do my very best like it would be the last time. Hopefully.

"Jennie, I hope this would be the last time." I told her but she didn't say anything. Instead, she started kissing me again.

It wasn't aggressive, she was kissing me passionately.

God, I don't really want to get used to this feeling, please. I don't want to hurt my wife even more.


While the two were having an affair, Jisoo noticed the flowers that Lisa might've gotten for her but she never had the chance to give it to her yet.

She smiled, knowing Lisa is a consistent partner.

"Nobody can top the flowers that she gives me everyday." she said to no one, smelling the flowers until she noticed the card below.

A message was written on it.

"To: My Goddess Wife
From: Your Hubby Monkey

I'm here to tell you I won't get tired of giving you flowers everyday. You're the one I love, forever."

She chuckled at how sweet Lisa can be.

"You and I forever, Lali." she smiled, still looking at the card.


Goshhhhh, JenLisa starts to sin on Jisoo..and Bam, I guess? I hope you enjoyed this short update since y'all are bugging me to update already lol.

Also, should I do a face reveal??? What do you think??

Don't forget to leave comments! I'll be reading them later on. Ciao~

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