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I wake back up and try to sit up this time when I'm up I don't feel as much pain in my head.
I look around and see that I am still in the on the bus and we are moving fast which is not helping the not so painful but still there headache.

" Oh she's up" as soon as those words left someone's mouth I feel myself being tackled into the bus seat.
" Naa" all my friends yell at the same time while pushing each other to hug me.

" Hey how did y'all find me and get me on this bus I'm heavy Oreos and snickers are not a healthy diet and that's my daily routine " I say when they finally get off me enough to where I can talk and breath.

( sorry for the county talk if it's country to you I live in the south and it's how we talk)

" We found you passed out in the middle of the auditorium with blood all over your small ass forehead slash big ass head" my best friend Liiric says.

I forgot to introduce them
First let me introduce some of my closest friends

Liiric: She's my bestie I have know her since elementary and we've been best friends since seventh grade we argue here and there but she's one of the ones I'm closest with.

Tay: I've known her since elementary you since she moved to Texas from Florida and we almost always get along arguments here and there but mostly no arguments at all and she also one of the ones I'm closest with.

Aaliyah/Liyah: Me and Aaliyah just might as well me cousins i know almost everyone in her family and she know a lot of mine too.

Amiya/Miya: known her since 2nd grade asked her if she wanted to be my best friend she said yes and we've been together ever since.

Allyson: I've know her since fifth grade didn't like her or her twin at first but now we are so close. Me and her twin get along too but I wouldn't call her a close friend at least not as close as me as Allyson

Well these are my best friends now back to the story

" I wake up and you already come with the insults really bitch" I say while looking her up and down.

"Bitch I missed you I thought you were dead" Liiric said as she started to cry.
I started to cry too " I thought I was dead too".

"I'm hungry" I turn around and see tay and say
"girl you always hungry"

"I know I missed you NaaNaa" tay says now chewing on something.

"I know I'm awesome how could you not miss me" I say as I turn around in the seat and face forward.

"NOOOOPE" I hear Allyson say while popping the p "you ruined the moment we had sad vibes going bring it back".

"No" I say as I turn to tay and start stealing her food which was Oreos my favorite a headache could never come between them and me.

After that we all calmed down and just sat there enjoying each other's company when the bus suddenly jerks into a stop.

Like a hard stop like your mom just heard you cursing and you mine stop.

A very very hard stop and being that our bus does not have seatbelts.

A lot of people banged there head on the seat in front of them or fell to the bottom of the bus.
I fell to the bottom of the bus and it hurt like your crush just rejected you in front of his/her/they messy ass friends.

And Besides the pain of hitting the bottom of the bus tay always hungry and eating but still a stick ass landed on top of me and sis is heavy.

"Tay if you could ever so kindly GET THE FUCK OFF ME" I say

" I'm getting up I'm getting up damn" tay says as she gets off me

When everyone finally get up and situated I start to walk to the front of the bus to talk to the bus driver.

"What's wrong" I ask him
"See for you self" he answers
I push my glasses up and look through to window to see a big cliff where to road should be.
"What the fuck" I say

I run off the bus to see if I'm really seeing this and yes it's true a big ass cliff. And as I look down I see people boarding boats and stuff and I see me and my friends family cars. At least I know now they they all made it or making it to at least a chance of safety from whatever's going on.

"How the hell are we going to get down there" I hear a voice say behind me. Before I know it I grab the person and flip them on their back and pull out my knife.
"Naa what the hell its me" I look down fully to see who I just flipped it was Allyson.

"I'm sorry you know I'm paranoid and I forgot that I was with other and that y'all would come off the bus too" I say as I put my knife away

"It's ok I know what happened nice flip but my back is in pain though you owe me a massage"
Allyson says as she gets up and rubs her back

"I have an idea" I say

"An idea about what" Lirric say appearing on the other side of me I had to hold myself back from flipping her too

" An idea about how to get down there it's crazy and some of us might not make it hell all of us might not make it but it's better than just sitting here waiting to die" I say
When everyone finally gathers around I say my idea and the probably shouldn't be considered logic logic behind it.

"Ok so I noticed that the wind is blowing very hard and seeing as some of us are struggling to stay standing I can say that you have noticed too. I can also see that everyone here has a jacket so how about we try to use our jackets as some kind of parachutes or something of the sort to glide ourselves to the boat boarding dock".  I say

"I mean it's dumb and we'll probably all die but hey we might all die anyway so I say let's do it " Amiya says finally talking
" Ok is everyone in" I ask
I heard multiple yeses so I'll take that as a yes
"Ok get ready we leave in five minutes" I say and turn around to walk toward the bus when suddenly

There it was again that organ shaking explosion and the concrete and grass around the cliff starts to set on fire
I hold my jacket out and above me and start running towards the edge

" OR I GUESS WE CAN LEAVE RIGHT NOW" I yell as I jump off the cliff

I feel like this is so much better then the first chapter thank you for sticking this story even though it's not the best

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