Food & Talks

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I wake up to a kick in my face
I push Tay off the bed and yell
" Damn Bitch"

We had found a room with four twin beds in there that night so we pushed them together because we were all shaken and needed to cuddle. It's not weird if you can't cuddle with your best friends are you really best friends the answer is no.
Anyway I ended up between Tay busted ass and Aaliyah and lets just say Tay sleeps wild but back to the story.

"Damn hoe I know I sleep a little wild but you didn't have to push me" Tay says as she gets off the floor and dusts herself off.

"Yes I did" I say as I roll off the bed and go over to turn the light in to wake everyone else up.

Everyone eventually gets up slowly but surely. "I'm hungry" I say as I walk over and hug Amiya she looks at me and says " I'm to tired to fight you off right now and let's walk around and see if we can find any food".

So we all left and took a lot of turns down multiple hallways before we found a cafeteria.  They had a lot of tables going around in a circle buffet style so there was a lot to choose from.

"Let's split up and get what we want and meet at a table" Allyson said while walking away towards the waffles.

We all went our separate ways I wasn't really that hungry so I only got a muffin and some tea. Since I was the first one done I get to pick the table so I walk over to the biggest table and sit down.

While I sit down I get bored so I put my earbuds in and play my music " Do your thing Do your thing with me now" I love this song. I get lost in the music and just start to eat until I get rudely interrupted with somebody taking one of my earbuds out. OH HELL NO HEADPHONES OR EARBUDS MEAN DO NOT DISTURB YOU DONT TALK TO ME AND YOU DEFINITELY DONT PULL MY EAEBUDS OUT. IF IM NOT ANSWERING YOU THATS BEING HUMAN BASICS ITS IN THE RULE BOOK I FEEL SO DISRESPECTED.

I pull my meanest bitch face before I turn around to see who the hell just disrespected me. It was Hope while glaring at her I say " That was some rude shit you just did I don't care how cute you are I don't know you like that don't touch me and especially don't mess with my music"

She looks at me flabbergasted and says "b-but I saved you you should trust me plus I touched you then"

I look at her and calmly say " I know you saved me and I'm very thankful for that and I know you touched me then but this is now and I don't like to be touched by those I don't trust or know very well and you aren't either a person I know very well or trust".

I say as I turn around and put my earbuds back in. Just to take it out again and look at her one more time before saying " Plus just because you saved me doesn't mean I have to trust you I learned that lesson a long time ago maybe you should learn it too before you get hurt one day" and with that I give her a tight smile and turn around back to my music and my muffin.

I can feel her still standing there but I just ignore her and sing in my head " You've shown me I have reasons I should love myself".  I feel the chair beside me be pulled out and someone sit there and I feel a tap on my shoulder. I am so serious if this is Hope I'm going to scream I look up and instead of Hope it's Liiric Thank God. I smile at her braces showing and take my earbuds out and say "What did you pick to eat".
"The same as you" She answers back as she starts to bite her muffin.
"Then what took you so long" I ask as I look at her with a questioning look

"There was this cute dude and I got distracted but I didn't give him the location of our room or any personal information just small talk about muffins nothing major and nothing that could get us hurt" Liiric answers back smiling

"Good and I Hope y'all know that y'all don't have to live paranoid just because of what happened being paranoid is just the way I cope and I know most of you are almost over it or fully over it I'm the only one who's still so tore up about what happened" I say as I lay my head on my arms feeling like I'm going to start crying.

"NaaNaa you don't have to feel like that we are here for you and We love you and know you are still broken about what happened but you are not the only one have you seen Aaliyah you both are suffering yes we might be being extra paranoid for y'all but it's because it helps y'all feel safe if you feel like no one can get to you because they don't know anything and we understand we want both of you to know that you are safe and if you're not ready to be over who's rushing you this is about how you cope with the pain we went through not how we cope or how fast we want you to cope" Liiric says as she hugs me

"Now let's eat before we start crying in front of all these unknown people" Liiric says as she bites her muffin.

Soon enough the others come and sit down and if you are wondering Hope had left after she saw Liiric walk up.


After  we finished eating we walked back to our room only to see Frankie And Hope in our room sitting and chairs.

As soon as all of us enter the room they both ask at the same time " why can't you trust me"

Sorry for the long wait for an update High school isn't easy

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