
31 0 0

" OR I GUESS WE CAN LEAVE RIGHT NOW" I yell as I jump off the cliff
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" I scream as I head straight for the Gulf of Mexico.

As I'm screaming and falling I'm thinking IM GONNA DIE IM GONNA DIE I SHOULD HAVE WENT FOR ONE MORE OREO.

Then all of a sudden I feel my body jerk upward. I had finally caught some air as I get control over my breath and open my eyes fully. I see the dock ahead and lean forward towards it.
"I have to make I have to make it. I say as I try to stay calm because I know if I start to panic it won't end well. I'll tense up and make my body more dense which will only make this harder then it already is and lower my already 2% chance of survival.

I feel myself dropping some and the dock is not that far ahead "I can make it I can make it" I say while leaning forward some more but not too much that I drag me down more.

"Should I try to see if the others jumped too" I ask myself and answer myself with " No you'll only drag yourself down or loosen your grip to look up more than you can just worry about you for now".

I shake my head a little to make sure I stay focused on the dock and how much I am falling.
"Come on listen to yourself your a smart person most of the time you say a lot of slow stuff but hey everybody has slow moments" I say.

"stay focused stay focused come on" I say still trying to convince myself that everything will be fine and I to only worry about myself.

I almost there it just like 54 feet away now which is not a long distance compared to the big ass cliff I just jumped off I'm almost there. But me and me being the hardheaded person I am and I can't even listen to myself.

I look up and check on everybody I'm a dumbass I know I know it was dumb as hell I'm probably going to just drop straight to my death.

I see them all they're heading towards the dock and it looks like everybody made it from what I can see. I smile they did it I close my eyes and get ready for the rest of the fall.

Before I fall two low I feel the wind pick up more from the Right of me like blowing really hard like enough to snatch a wig fast. I open my eyes after feeling my body jerk and get turned around.

I'm not falling anymore at least but how the hell am I supposed to make it where I can't see shit I already don't have my glasses. Ughh I'm going to land in the middle of the gulf and I can't swim I mean I can't even float a little without a life jacket.

I feel something hot and wet touch my face it must be raining right yeah it must be raining. I look up it wasn't raining I was crying I guess everybody gets scared when they realize they have a high percent chance of dying.

I just hang onto my jacket/parachute with dear life as I feel the hit tears run down my face.
"SWING YOUR LEGS AROUND" I hear an unfamiliar voice yell.

I don't know who it is but I'll do it if it raises my chance if survival. Well I'm already probably going to die anyway why not at least try to fight. So I suck it up and mentally wipe my tears I'm not a complete idiot if I really wipe them I'll fall.

With all the strength I half left I swing my legs around but the wind is blowing so hard it's like it's a wall blocking my way.

I try again and again but each time is like the last I can't swing my legs around all the way. I'm weak there's no way I can make it I mean I wasn't going to make it anyway but like way to kill my vibe universe.

Now I know who these voices belongs to it's Liiric and Tay busted asses.

I take a deep breath and with all the strength I have left I swing my legs around and I make it.
" YESSSSSS" I scream and throw my arms in the air. Shit I let go of my jacket. I try to throw myself forward to try and grab it as I'm falling pretty fast if I might add. But the damage was already done I was falling to my death for sure this time damn Sanaa you dumb bitch.

I really am a dumbass all my friends told me I was but like this is just wow I can't I can't with myself right now. I close my eyes again and get ready to hold my breath.

I guess this really is it you might not here this but to my family I love you I love you all. My thought were rudely interrupted when I feel wrap around my waist. Whoever this is must want to die together because umm their arms should be holding their jacket.

I turn around in the persons arms and I see one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen like wow I can't even describe her right now she has a really pretty face.
When I take the time to look a my surroundings and realize I'm not falling anymore I'm gliding.

I look up at her and say "how" she cuts me off and says " are we gliding well since most people held it above their head including you I tied my jacket around my wait and held it out and it came in handy seeing as I caught a cutie like you"

I can feel myself black girl blushing so bad I look to the side to try and hide it. Before I can ask what her name is she says " wrap your arms around me we're about to land it I can tell not that it won't be pretty.

In like three minutes I really got what she meant about the landing not being pretty we crashed and rolled. We rolled so fast and long that we almost rolled off the edge of the dock is someone would have never caught the edge of her jacket.

Oddly my head didn't hurt after that though I realize that as soon as we touched the dock ground she moved her hands from my waist to my head. She must have noticed me moving my head and looking at her arms because she says " I remembered that earlier someone saying about you hitting your head pretty hard".

"Also my name is Hope" she says introducing herself
"Cool my name is Sanaa" I say
"I already know that cutie"
she says as she helps me up

I feel myself blush again at hearing her call me cutie. I see that everyone else from the bus including the bus driver had made it to the dock. And they were staring at me and Hope and making noises and faces especially my dumbass friends.

This explosion was different from the others it was louder it shook the earth harder it made my ears ring with pain much worse then before. I feel myself blacking out and falling towards the ground but before I black out completely. I see the cliff and the bus that we just got off of crumble like it was nothing and fall into the gulf.

I shake my head and try to get up from the ground but the pain is horrible I can feel it now. My head and my ears are bleeding bleeding horribly.
I manage to get up to my feet and take a step forward but I feel myself fall face forward into the ground and the last thing I hear is


I think this was a much better chapter thank you for reading

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