Behind closed doors

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As soon as she wakes up I go to tell her what happened but she says " I know".

"I know what happened I heard it and I guess I'm just more observant because of what happened but anyway that wasn't Allyson".

Aaliyah gives me a look and says " Naa I know y'all was close or whatever but that girl just sat there and had the nerve to that you lied".
Starting to get louder as she continues "That you were faking she was doubting you when it's so obvious that you were hurting doubting you when the police even confirmed what happened".

I look at her and grab her hands " Aaliyah that wasn't Allyson think about the voice knowing you you were focused on her face so rewind and think about the voice " .

"It wasn't her it was Allisha wasn't it?" Aaliyah asks .
"Yep" I answer her "They might be identical twins but the sound and look different to me Allyson voice is deeper than Allisha's".

"Then were is Allyson" Aaliyah asks me and I answer with
"Shit I don't know I was sleep"
I sit there and think before it hits me ". the cafeteria" I yell

"What" Aaliyah says looking confused.
"The cafeteria or whatever you want to call it that was the only time we separated so it's the only time she could have got took for them to switch out" I say .

"Yessssss I should have known when we had grouped back together I had notice that Allyson Was quiet and that when she did talk she covered her mouth and tried to keep her lips over her teeth kinda and she didn't smile and stuff I should have know that it was Allisha when I saw some type of glisten or shine come from her mouth Allisha still has her braces that's what it was I feel so slow now omg but like it's not like I hit Allyson through a door so what's the big deal all we have to do it find Allyson" Aaliyah says.

"True well then let's go find Allyson" I say as I put my shoes on and run towards the door frame.

I see Allisha running towards me and Hope and I ask " Is it done".

"Yep but you better be paying me extra cause I didn't sign up to be thrown into a fucking door jackass" Allisha yells at me.

"Yea your going to be paid two casings" I say as I smile and pull out my gun from behind my back and shoot her in the head and In the heart.

Hope looks at me and says " Did you honestly have to shoot her twice and aren't you scared somebody heard the gunshots"

"Yes I had to shoot her she was annoying and a witness she knew way too much and talked way too much too" I reply back to her
"And dumbass did you hear the shots " Hope shakes her head no " then nobody else did duh I had a silencer on the gun NOW CLEAN THIS SHIT UP " I yell while point toward the gun Allisha's body and everything covered in blood.

"Yes boss " Hope says sarcastically while starting to clean. She's lucky I need her to much to kill her ass too. All of a sudden I hear muffled screaming and I look down and see a tied up Allyson. Oh I forgot she was here she must have saw me kill her sister oh well she'll die when we're done with her anyway so I don't really care if she sees or not. I hope she has nightmares imaging herself like that must not be hard I mean they were twins ha that's funny.

I must have started to laugh out loud because she started flinching and crying. I kick her out the way and continue down the hallway to my room to finalize the plans.

I closed the door behind me and sit at the table. " So boss what exactly is the final plan to do with them" I ask.

" I only want what's mine you can do whatever you want with the rest of them no I want the Aaliyah one too" They say.

"But boss you said that I can have and do whatever I want to the rest of them and that's the one I picked" I say almost as fast as I finished my sentence I felt the gun on my forehead.

"I changed my mind I'm allowed to do that because I run this understood so if I change my mind and say I want two of them and if I changed my mind and say I want all of them THEN I CHANGE MY DAMN MIND GOT IT" They say yelling.

"Yes boss" I say and they remove the gun from my forehead and sit back down.
"Keep the Allyson girl alive for now and thats all now get out before I change my mind and kill you anyway".

"Yes boss" I say as I get up and walk out of the door I see Allyson still on the floor crying over her sister I guess. Well just because the the boss said I can't kill her yet doesn't mean I can't make her time with us hell and mess up her head a bit.

I crouch down and pull her by her hair to look at me and start the trauma " Why are you crying over her you know she sold you out right and ruined your image to your friends so bad that they might not even come looking for you. Your not protected anymore they all hate you they all probably. No they all do want you dead for you to suffer and to think that your own sister twin at that sold you out for some money only to get shot. I hope that image of her falling and the blood and everything else coming out of her as her eyes lose life is stuck in your head forever. I mean you basically have the same face just see yourself like that let it replay in you mind day in and day out let it give you nightmares forever as you sleep ,eat , and grieve. Let it be stuck there and let the feeling stay there and the thought of the same person me being the one to do it". After I'm done I throw her to the ground by her hair and step on her hand stopping and smashing and grinding until I feel and hear it break . I spit on her and leave her with the biding of "Sweet dreams little twin or should I say lonely sister".

As I leave the room I see Aaliyah and her friend group well time to act and try to gain their trust no matter how hard it is I have a boss to impress and money to make sorry not sorry girls.


Sorry for taking so long to update high school Is. not like the musical Disney lied to us so hard

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