Chapter 1

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Katherina POV

I live with my mother Olivia and father David Monero in an apartment in the suburbs. It might not be the best place to live but I like my hometown very much because the people here are amazing. Due to my father's gambling problem, we have lost our old house and now we have rented an apartment in a new building which is close to my college.

My father has a habit of drinking which is the core reason for all the trouble I and my mom have to face. He shouts and beats my mother after all of which she has to work in a restaurant so that she can help me with my studies because my father just wants me to sit at home and do household work.

To support my mother I also work in a café after college and sometimes do other stuff so that I could earn and save money for university even though my dad is not in favor of my studies.

"Mom, I'm leaving" I shouted to let my mom know.

"Okay sweety, take care" mom replied from the kitchen.

"Love you, mom, bye" with that I left the apartment to go to one of my favorite place that is my college.

I have amazing friends around me. Alessia and Seth are my closet friends, we three always hang out together even after college we are inseparable. Alessia works in the same café as me she was the one who helped me to get the work in the café.

Seth is a really good friend of mine, he is protective for both Alessia and me. He lives near my apartment. His father has a car service center where Seth also works in his spare time after classes.

"Dude, you have no idea how cool is this!" I heard Alessia screaming excitedly. They were standing with our other friends around the corner of our hallway when I walked to them.

"What is so cool?" I asked looking at both of my friends.

"Look at this..." Seth handed me a paper which is made Alessia giggle like a little girl.

"OMG! Tickets to a concert!" My eyes sparkled when I saw three tickets to the tonight concert in town.

"Yesss!!" Alessia hugged me tightly and all three of us jumped excitedly.

After classes, we walked back to our homes quickly so we can get ready for the concert. It is our daily routine that I and Seth first drop Alessia at her home and after that, we walk back to our apartments together because we live nearby.

"So I'll pick you at seven," Seth asked when we stopped outside Alessia's home.

"Ya, okay. I will be ready by then" Alessia replied to us and we walked towards our apartment.

It was already seven when Seth come to pick me at my apartment. He knocked on the door when my mother went out to see who is it.

"Hello Mrs. Monero" I heard Seth greeting mom.

I was in my room sitting on the floor.

"Hello Seth, I am afraid Katherina won't be able to go out with you today" mom's voice was low so that my dad would not hear her, "Some guests are coming so she is helping me"

"Ohh no problem Mrs. Monero. I'll see her tomorrow in college" I heard Seth saying back at her after which there was a pause.

I wanted to go out but I didn't dare to face Seth especially after what all that had happened. Nobody can help me now.

"Actually...she won't be able to go to college from tomorrow" mom replied.

"What? But why?" Seth's voice was frantic and I could imagine his face.

"Olivia! Where the hell is my drink!" Dad shouted shaking me badly, mom closed the door and made her way back inside to her room where dad was waiting for his drink.

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