Chapter 11

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Katherina POV

Nathan didn't come.

I waited all night for him but he didn't come back. It was around eleven in the morning and still, there's no sign of him.

I have no idea what happened to him or why he left suddenly after kissing me last night. His behavior has changed in the last few days, it seems like he wants something but not want it.

Why he gotta be so confusing?

He makes me feel things by getting close to me and then he left without saying anything. Isn't he aware of the fact that he is the only man who has ever kissed or touched me and it means something to me?

I don't know why but whenever he touches me I don't want to push him away, I lost all the control over my body whenever his hands are on my body. He is going to be my husband soon and the thought of giving myself completely to someone does scare me especially when that man is Nathan Pierce.

Whenever I think about the day he took me to the beach, it gives me hope. That day was the best day I had since I have been here. But does it mean anything to him, he let me saw a part of himself that nobody knows exists. There is so much more in those blue eyes than he shows and I want to know more.

A knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts. I walk back in the room from the balcony to open the door, Rosie was standing with a tray of food outside the room.

"Ma'am, you didn't come down so I brought the breakfast in your room," she said nervously.

"Thanks, Rosie" I gave her a smile taking the tray of food from her hands.

She smiled back at me, "You need anything else ma'am?" she asked looking at the tray.

I shook my head, "No, thank you. This will be enough" I told her and she left.

I went back to the balcony and sat on a sofa chair with the tray of food on my lap. I wasn't feeling hungry at all, things happening to me especially the event from the last night has reduced my appetite.

I pick a piece of toast to eat when my mind went straight to Nathan, has he ate anything or not? With that thought, I put the toast back on the plate.

I don't know why there's a hollow feeling in my heart after last night.

I feel bad like being rejected since he walked out on me last night. It was my first time when a man got so close to me and it hurts to know that it's not the first time for him.

A man like him obviously had kissed many women before unlike me who was never touched by any man, the only man who ever kiss me is Nathan. Does he still sleep with other women? Will he sleep with them after our marriage?

My heart sank at the thought of it.

I placed the tray down on the table, even the thought of him with other women was making me nauseous. I don't even know if I should feel bad about this because I don't expect anything from him. I know who he is, I know what he does and I know what is his reputation with women.

It brings me back memories of the time when dad cheated on mom but she forgave him and lived with him even after knowing everything he has done. I can never be like my mother, I have seen her living through hell every single day but I won't be able to ignore if my husband would cheat on me, it will break me but now that reality is totally opposite from anything I had ever assumed it seems like this is my fate.

My head starts throbbing with all these thoughts, so I decide to rest for a while.

I instantly sat back on the bed when I heard someone shouting, the noises were coming down from the living room. I get up from the bed and walk closer to the door, my heart skips a beat when I recognize the husky voice.

"What the fuck!" Nathan shouted loudly, "How can this happen with all the security and cameras?".

He sounded beastly fuming with anger. I heard other men speaking something in Italian in a low tone that I couldn't hear.

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