Chapter 39

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Katherina POV

It has been three days since Franco tried to kill me, we are back to the mansion but I haven't seen Nathan after that day. I was alone and broken but I cannot be weak, I have to be strong for Nathan but I was really worried about my dad and mom. I wanted to call Nathan and ask him about them but I didn't dare.

I was sitting on the stairs god knows for how long when the front door opened and Jason entered.

"Hey beautiful" he smiled at me and I immediately ran to him and hug him tightly.

I pulled away to look at him, he seemed awkward but not too much, "Wow, such a warm welcome" he chuckled making me smile. He is the only person who always makes me smile no matter what I'm feeling.

"I haven't seen Nathan in so long" I whisper and he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I know but I brought someone to meet you today," he said with a smile making me frown.


The front door opened again and the man enter making me step backward was none other than Franco. My heart dropped and my hands became sweaty because the last time I saw him he had a knife in his hand and wanted to kill me.

"You two need to talk," Jason said and turned to leave.

"Jason, stop!" I yell for him but he didn't stop and left me alone with Franco.

I stay at my place keeping my distance when Franco sat on the couch, his hands were clutched together and he looks lost in some thoughts as he has his head hung low. I look around to find anything to save myself in case if he tries to attack me again.

"I didn't come here to kill you Katherina" my head turns to his side as he was already looking at my colorless face, "although I tried to kill you one time" he smiled but it wasn't funny, it really wasn't.

I lean against the pillar in the living room near the staircase keeping my distance with him. I gulped audibly which made him look at me as he stood from his place and stepped towards me which made me flinch away from him.

"Look Katherina, I'm not here to hurt you, okay. I know that you're scared of me because I did a lot of things to scare you but that's all in the past" he said while my head ran wild on his sudden change of behavior.

"Yes, it is true that I didn't like you from the very beginning because Nathan started acted differently since you came in his life. He was my best friend but he killed my sister that day because of you. You were the reason everything became secondary for him" Franco sigh and look down for a moment before looking in my eyes again, "I didn't want to lose my best friends but then a small mistake took Rebecca's life, I know she disobeyed him and she is needed to be punished but I also know that he would have let it go if it wasn't for you and that made me hate you because simply you were the reason I lost her but I didn't know that you were unaware of anything. Katherina, we shared many women in past and I thought it will be nothing different with you, that's why I behaved badly with you but I was wrong you weren't just any women for Nathan, you are the only woman for Nathan" he said making me relax a bit, "I came in the villa that day to kill you but I wasn't going to kill you. Before coming to you I went to Nathan and told him about everything when we made a plan because capo's men were following me, we thought you won't come out because Nathan told you not too but when you did we have to act all of that for capo's men" he admitted everything and made it clear for me that why Nathan got so angry with me that day.

"I-I'm sorry that Rebecca was...because of me..." I couldn't say it.

Franco looked at me softly, "I forgave you the day when you took the bullet to save Nathan's life. I always thought that you were just using my best friend and playing with his emotions because it seem unreal that you or for to say anyone can actually have feelings for him and then when you went to meet your guy friend my hate for you just built stronger, but things changed when I saw Nathan losing will to live when you were in hospital bed, that even made me cry, he has been through a lot but I never saw tears in his eyes but that day he was completely broken that's when I realized that my friend has made you his world, his everything and you're the only one for him" Franco told me and stepped towards me but this time I didn't flinch away.

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