Chapter 10

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Katherina POV

Nathan... Nathan... Nathan

He has taken over my mind since what happened a few days ago, it's still unbelievable. He is so handsome and so dangerous at the same time. Everything about him screams pain, danger, and death.

The water falling on my body reminds me of the day when he dragged me under this same shower to clean me. Everything that is going on is unnatural, every single day I miss mom, I miss my friends and I miss my life. It's difficult to act normal as if that were never a part of my life that has been taken away from me in a blink of an eye.

I step out of the shower and walk toward the mirror, my heart churns looking at my reflection, I look different, my eyes look dead as if I don't want to see anything anymore, they just want to be close down...forever.

I have nothing left, what I live for now? Nathan? Because other than him I don't have anyone else in my life now.

Wrapping towel around my body, I walk out of the bathroom and went into the closet room. I wore a soft satin dress that reaches mid-thigh, it felt light and soft on my skin. After drying my hair I left them messy falling loose on my shoulders.

When I walk down in the living I saw no one around, just when I thought that I was alone and maids left early one of maid walk out of the kitchen.

"Hello, Ms. Monero. I've prepared breakfast for you. You must be hungry?" she asked me politly.

"Hello thanks, can you tell me where is Nathan?" I ask her wanting to know if Nathan is in his office or he went out of the mansion.

"Boss will be here anytime soon. He asked me to prepare breakfast for you" she told me and for the first time, she talked looking in my eyes.

"What is your name?" I ask her.

"Rosie," she replied.

I smiled at her and sat on the dining table. Rosie made omelet and bread for breakfast. After I was done I wash my plate and went upstairs to look around the place.

I haven't clearly seen the place except for the room I stay in on the first day before Nathan asked me to shift in his bedroom. The entire mansion was surrounded by a forest only one side which can be seen from Nathan's bedroom gave a fine view of the street.

After several hours of boredom, I dozed off on the couch in the living room watching tv.

My eyes open when I heard the click of the door. It wasn't Nathan who walked but a guy whom I have never seen before, he stopped when his eyes met mine. I instantly sat on the couch feeling anxious in the presence of a stranger.

"Hey" He grins and walked towards me, "I'm Chris".

"Katherina" I reply in confusion because this man just came inside the mansion and talking so normally with me unlike everybody else who just ignore me.

"What is a beauty like you doing sitting here alone?" He sat next to me on the couch.

I ignore his flirting and shifted a little on the couch getting away from him.

"Chill lady, I know you're Nathan's," He said raising his hands in the air making me realize that I'm not a human but a possession.

"He is not here" I reply annoyingly due to his remark.

"Hey, don't hate me I was just kidding," he said comfortingly and I relax.

At least after a long time somebody is talking to me, I lift my head to look at him when he was already looking back at me. He looked like Nathan, the same physique and height. But his presence doesn't scream danger like Nathan's presence does.

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