Chapter 37

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Nathan POV

Whatever happened in Mexico and whatever Hanna told me has shaken me up because it was difficult to believe that boss has done all of this to me knowing that how much Katherina means to me, it was very hard but I couldn't just let it go. I have never questioned my boss ever but putting Katherina in danger and hurting her has gotten into my nerves and I need answers.

When I said to my woman that no one can hurt her, I meant no one as in ever. I'll do everything to keep my baby away from any harm, it does not matter if I have to go against the world for her, I always will.

I'm on my way to the boss's manor, I need to talk with him about all of this. I know what boss is capable of doing and I don't want him to hurt Katherina in any way.

I entered the big hall where he was sitting in the head chair of a long dining table having his breakfast.

"My son! What a delightful surprise!" Capo said excitedly when he saw me which means that he doesn't know that Hanna has told me everything last night. Maybe he thinks that his plan worked and I'm here to take Hanna with me but that will never happen, not in this lifetime, "Come sit with me son" he called me to him.

I didn't move and stand at the opposite end of the dining table in front of capo. I'm here to talk about him trying to hurt Katherina and tearing her apart nit for having breakfast (Boss).

"I thought you were okay with me being with Katherina" this is the first time I questioned him, I never talked to him like this but him trying to hurt my woman made me come to edge.

"What do you mean?" Boss replied angrily

"You set me up so that you can prove Katherina that she doesn't deserve me" I confronted capo, "Why would you do that? Why would you try to hurt her like that?".

"How dare you talk to me like this!" Capo shouted at me in anger, his bodyguards appear and stand with their guns pointed at me but I have seen all of this a lot in my life and there is nothing that scares me than living a life without having Katherina in it.

Boss raised his hand to stop all his men but I'm ready for anything today until I show him what Katherina means to me, either he will let me live with her or today it's my last day.

"You know one sign from me and your head will be on this table in a second..." He said pointing at the table which made me smile.

"I know and it doesn't scare me because I will rather be killed today than to die every single day without being with Katherina..."

"Shutup!!" Boss smashed the plate on the floor angrily, "You are talking rubbish! You are my son and you won't give your life for someone else other than me! You got it!" He shouted at me.

"Then kill me," I said looking right in his eyes, "Kill me right here, right now because I'll kill myself if anything happens to Katherina".

"Enough!! This is all because of that whore!" Boss yelled making my blood boil because nobody can call my woman that, "What is about her that had you go against me! You bow down to me remember and now you are standing in front of me arguing with me because of that fucking bitch!".

"I didn't come here to argue. If you're not okay with me and Katherina being together than I'll take the exit from the Mafia world and it will solve all the problems" I said to him which changed his expression, he looked shocked with what I just said. It's true, I will leave everything, my identity, my name everything if any of this will put my Katherina in danger.

"No!! You are my man and your life is mine. I'll decide what you do and what not" Capo looked taken aback by what I said, "What do you think you'll do after leaving mafia? Live normally with her! Don't forget I raised you and I know what kind of monster you're, soon you'll get bore with her and start torturing her when you miss the control, power, the money you have!" he showed me my place in a second and he was right.

"You're right" I murmur, "You're right...I don't know what I'll do without control, power and money..." I look up in boss eyes and he looked happy with what I'm saying, "but one thing I do know is that I'll do anything to keep my woman happy, be it labor or a driver or anything. I'll do anything to be able to give my woman everything she deserves".

"You are doing all this for that dirty blood who doesn't even belong from mafia familia. You broke the mafia rule and you will pay for consequences" Boss spat angrily.

My Life With Him (Mafia love Story) [#1 ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇsᴛᴏʀʏ]Where stories live. Discover now