Chapter Twelve

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As you should have guessed, Kylo never wanted to discuss the way he manipulated the two maintenance workers right there in front of you. You brought it up time after time, begging him to tell you what he meant by "secret lover" and "secret child," but you got no answers.

Life simply went on. Lucille grew and learned something new every day, you grew and learned along with her. Kylo seemed to do the same, and you found that you grew closer as a family. Although it took quite some time, you did end up moving Lucille to her own room, and you and Kylo finally had your room back to just yourselves. It was bliss being able to be with Kylo alone, even for only a few hours before you had to go feed Lucy and rock her back to sleep in the gliding chair Kylo had brought in for you. It was good to have a reminder that you and Kylo deserved each other's time just as much as Lucy did.

All of her other time was spent with you. You would read to her, rock her, cuddle her, play with her, and make her feel as loved as you possibly could. It was easy to do when she was such an agreeable infant. You didn't really have a schedule for her, and you found that was the easiest way to go about your day with her. The two of you would eat when hungry, you'd nap when you were tired, you'd watch TV and play when you wanted to, and nobody had any objections. The only thing that you did on a daily basis was your laundry.

Laundry. You found it to be such a drag when you lived on your own. But this was the only routine that you looked forward to daily, and it was a task that you involved Lucy with as well. The day after Kylo had everything delivered you used his tablet to look up tutorials on babywearing, and by the end of the day you were proudly carrying her around on your chest, a clean sheet keeping her safe and snug there against you. Each day you'd go about your business with her connected to you. You'd make up as much of a breakfast and lunch as you could with what Kylo had in his fridge, you'd tidy the house, you'd watch TV, and after Kylo got home and the two of you ate dinner together, you'd do what little bit of laundry had accumulated that day. Between you, Lucy, and Kylo, you had a sizable load of laundry that could be done every evening. Some nights you'd declare you didn't want to do laundry, and that was okay too. Life would go on and you had other ways of spending time with your family during the evening.

Lucy hit all of her milestones on time, if not earlier. At one and a half months Kylo reported that, after waking up from a nap in the living room, he found Lucy smiling at him from her swing. He wasn't able to get a picture right away, but over the next few days her smiles became plentiful. She had the most expressive, contageous, toothless grins you could ever imagine, and you never got tired of seeing them. Kylo took pictures. He took pictures of Lucy, he took pictures of you, he took pictures of you and Lucy together, and he had so many of them printed and hung on your walls. Kylo was clearly proud of the family he had made, and you were grateful for him every day.

When she turned six months old she started showing interest in the foods you and Kylo were eating, and you decided you would take up making her different foods to eat. Kylo had all of the equipment you'd need delivered: A food processor, a steamer, and a small machine to make different baby food pouches. The first time you made her food Kylo insisted he be home to see her try her first meal, so over dinner, while Lucy hungrily eyed and reached for your food from her high chair, you prepared some of the pureed carrots for her. With all eyes on her, you lifted the spoon to her mouth which she happily accepted. She smacked her lips a few times, looked from you to Kylo, and then howled for more. Kylo laughed at her while you lifted another spoonful to her mouth, and after that it was game over. It would seem you couldn't feed her fast enough as she began whining harder and harder between spoonfuls.

"You're spoiled, kid." Kylo said, running his hands through her ear-length hair before cleaning some of the smeared carrots from her mouth with his bare fingers. "Your mommy and daddy spoil you, don't we?" Lucy looked over at Kylo as he spoke to her, but because he had no carrots she quickly shut her eyes and looked away. You laughed at her, and he was certainly right. Your little girl was spoiled every day by her father that took such good care of her.

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