13: Less And More Serious Talking

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Kat stared out the window, deep in thought. Had anyone been around, the resting brooding face would have turned them away. Loki, however, knew her angry face from her thoughtful one. Truth be told, he had only seen her angry once: When the mortal had aimed his weapon at him. It sent butterflies fluttering around in his chest when he thought that, but he swatted them away with a begrudging force.

"Careful there. If you think too much you'll hurt yourself." Loki said, half serious.

Kat looked over at him, not having noticed his approach. She continued chewing on the inside of her lip, and fidgeting with her bracelet absently. 

Loki waited for her to figure out what she wanted to say. If she had just gotten caught in some darker thoughts, she would have responded to his jibe. But she hadn't, and she had yet to dismiss him.

"Can you teach me?" She asks softly, after a minute.

"Teach you what?" Loki frowned slightly. He was already teaching her how to use haladies, and they were teaching each other the languages.

"Your magic. Seidr." Kat answered.

"Why? Why would you want me to teach you?" Loki asked incredulously.

"Because. I want to." Kat said, crossing her arms defensively.

"You are a child." Loki rolled his eyes.

"We're the same age, dipshit." Kat replied.

"I am a thousand years older than you."

"Technically. But you age slower. So we're the same age." She countered. 

Loki briefly regretted telling her about Asgardian lifespans. But he was impressed she had remembered that. "Fine. But why me?"

"Because." Kat said like it was obvious. And then she elaborated. "You're the only Seidr master I know, and I trust you."

Trust. Loki scoffed internally. He was the God of Lies. "I don't believe you."

Kat saw right through the self-doubt bullshit. "Tell me:" She demanded, walking closer to him with a stern gaze. "Am I lying? Am I lying when I say that I trust you?"

Loki was startled. "No, you are not."

Kat's gaze softened. "Two things, Lokes. One: I don't lie about things like that. Two: You aren't what everyone says you are. You are who you choose to be."

You aren't what everyone says you are. You are who you choose to be. The words resounded in his head.  

A lock of hair had fallen out of the half-up-bun at the back of his head, and Kat absently reached up and tucked it behind his ear. When she realized what she had done, she felt her cheeks warm. Loki quickly caught on to the glow.

She pat his shoulder. "I gotta go see Dad about the plans for the party conference thing." She left the room quickly, and for once, Loki let the warmth of her touch linger.


Tony was anxious. And a bit giddy. And excited. But he was Tony Stark, and no-one besides his immediate family and friends would have been able to tell that he wasn't as cocky and confident as he portrayed himself.

Tony adjusted his dark navy blue suit, smoothing out imaginary wrinkles. An assistant poked her head into the room Tony was waiting in. "It's time, Mr. Stark. They're ready for you." She informed him. He followed her out, setting his shoulders and bringing up his signature smirk.

A moment later the press room doors were swinging open, and Tony sauntered in, casually waving to the reporters and cameras. He made his way to where a table had been set up. He stood behind the middle seat, and picked up a mic.

We're Not Dead Yet (Split Souls part 2)Where stories live. Discover now