25: Big Brother, Little Sister

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"Hey." Kat said softly as she stepped into the living room.

Bucky looked over his shoulder at her. "Hey." 

Kat walked over to him, and they both looked out the window at the huge city, lit up in the dark of night. "Couldn't sleep?"

"No." Bucky replied. "Everything is... Too different."

"I bet."

"What about you?" 

"I just woke up. That spell tired me out more than I thought it would." Kat said.

"Oh. Right." Bucky said. "Uh, thanks for helping me."

"Of course." Kat replied.

"Speaking of... Those words?" Bucky began.

"Are just words." Kat assured him. "I made sure to break all the... brainwashing off of them. That was the first thing I did."


 "Yup." Kat said, and then offered her hand for a fist bump and grinned. "Welcome to the Broken Brains club."

Bucky chuckled, and obliged with his flesh hand. "So what do you do here when you can't sleep?"

"Well, sometimes I practice magic, sometimes I dance, or whatever sounds fun and won't wake everyone else up." Kat shrugged.

"People still dance?" Bucky asked. "That's good, then."

Kat clamped a hand over her mouth to muffle her laughter. "Oh no. I have to... JARV, you're gonna have to help me out with this one."


"You're pulling my leg," Bucky said after the first few videos. "That isn't dancing..."

Kat shook her head with an apologetic look. 


Kat nodded.

"Now I'm not sure if I want to know how you dance." Bucky said.

"Ballet." Kat replied.

Bucky blinked. "Ballet?"

"Yup." Kat grinned.

"Prove it." Bucky said.

Kat was quick to jump off the couch and walk to the elevator, Bucky following close behind. Stepping into the gym, Kat ducked into a side room and grabbed her ballet shoes. Bucky raised an eyebrow. Kat smirked at him, and began to dance.

After a minute of following her movement, she heard him laugh. "Okay Twinkle Toes, you can stop spinning like a top."

Kat slowed down her spin to a stop, and set her hands on her hips. "Believe me now?"

"Yeah, yeah I do." Bucky laughed. "Okay. What now?"

"Want some pizza?" Kat suggested.


Kat used JARVIS to place an order, and sat down on the sparring mat with Bucky. "So, why aren't you with Steve?"

"He fell asleep while we were talking. Guess he didn't get any good shut-eye in on the ship." Bucky said. "Where did Percy go?"


"He doesn't live here?"

"Nope, he's with his Mom. Our mom. Man, it would be really weird if you met her." Kat said.

"If I met your mom? It would only be kind- of weird, wouldn't it? Like a stepmom?" Bucky said.

"You are not wrong, actually." Kat conceded. "Maybe we could team up next visit."

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