28: Getting Comfortable

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The doors closed behind Kat, and she found the group that had been dismissed waiting for her.

"How did it go?" Loki asked, noting her rigidity.

"Think I insulted him." Kat replied, and saw all their eyes widen.

"How did you insult him?" Loki prompted.

"Well, he was being an ass and called me a fool. I said... Well, I guess I can show you the memory later. But I said something cool." Kat shrugged. "Anyway, your mom wants to teach me."

"What?" Thor asked this time.

"Yeah, Queen Frigga basically told me she was gonna teach me." Kat said.

Loki relaxed. "Well. What did they tell you to do in the meantime?"

"Uh," Kat said. "Take a tour, see you at supper, lessons after you've gotten the tour?"

Loki nodded, relieved. The safest person on Asgard was one that his mother liked.

"Why would the Allmother wish to instruct you?" Hogun asked.

"Because magic." Kat replied.

"You have magic?" Volstagg asked.

"Yep." Kat replied. "So, what about that tour?"


"Wait a second," Kat said as they walked down a hall. "I know this spot."

"How could you know? You've never been here-" Thor frowned, but Kat took off down a side hallway. "Where are you going?"

Loki realized what had happened, and smirked, following her. He did quicken his pace though, so that he could get to her before she started a commotion. The others followed suit.

"Aha! The training grounds! I was right." Kat said proudly.

"How did you-?" Sif asked.

"I recognized it from Loki's mindscape." Kat said, grinning as she examined the training grounds in person.

"You've been to Loki's mindscape?" Fandral asked, a smirk in his voice.

Kat heard it, and turned narrowed eyes to him. Then she ignored him, looking instead to Loki and Sif. "Am I gonna have to wear a dress to supper?"

"It would make a better impression." Loki said, but she also heard, 'But you don't have to'.

Kat sighed. "I can't do anything longer than what I wore to Pepper's party, though." She said in reference to the tea-length dress.

Loki's head tilted slightly in thought. "It isn't the fashion here, but I think we can find something."

"Speaking of, we should have a guest room prepared for you." Sif said.

Kat hadn't realized that would be the case, and felt a burst of panic in her chest. Loki gave her a concerned look, which the others caught on to. When they followed his gaze, they just saw a blank-faced Kat.

"Are you alright?" Fandral asked.

Kat blinked. "Yeh. I'm good."

"Let's finish the tour then." Thor prompted.

As they walked, Loki made sure to stand beside Kat. {What is wrong?}

{I just didn't expect that.}

{Expect what? To have your own room? You are a Queen, Ylva, you don't have to share with a convict.}

 Kat elbowed him. {You are not a convict. And yeah, I wasn't expecting to have my own room, and that's what, uh, freaked me out. It was stupid.}

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