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Warning (obviously): Smut!

I smiled, peeking into their office momentarily. I quickly darted away when their eyes flitted up to the doorway. I walked back to the records, slipping the book back into it's place. I've been secretly coming here to spy a certain blood red beauty hanging around William's office. I should probably say something to them, but every time I see them my mind scrambles for words. I sigh quietly, heading back to my shop. I stiffen, seeing someone enter. My body relaxes as I realize I wasn't followed, an easy-sly smile slipping onto my face.

"Well hello my Young Lord, what can I do for you this day?" I received a huff before he left again, his Butler remaining. "Hm?" I hum in question, still grinning like a fool.

Shortly after, a chuckle still grumbling out of me, the small man re-enters. I keep on my sly smile, relaxing back against a nearby coffin. He explains some more Queen drama and I zone out slightly, already knowing what he's talking about. "More missing children, hm? Well, I suppose I could help. I would like something in return."

I heard the quiet click of his tongue in annoyance before snapping back at me. "What is it?"

I smirked wider, a neatly folded and sealed letter slipping from my clothes and between my fingers. "Deliver this to the red-headed reaper and I shall be happy to be of assistance."

"Fine," he sighed out. "Sebastian, deliver this letter while I get the information." The dark butler bowed deeply before slipping out the door. I hummed, leaning forward over the counter-top to deliver some basic information. I couldn't help but enjoy the annoyance as I told him things he already knew. My voice grew deeper slightly as I gave him bonus information, just enough to point him in the right direction. He took that as all the information I had and waltzed back out the door. I smirked to myself as I spotted the Butler standing outside, waiting. I sighed as the door fell shut, flopping down into a coffin to take a nap.


A loud bang startled me from my fake-slumber, my body still unmoving as someone noisily invaded my shop. I opened one eye, looking to see an average looking man was slamming things around. "Is there something you're looking for?"

The man was startled, his throat moving as he swallowed. I put my hands behind my back, an eerie smile creeping onto my face. "Ah, yes. I knew you were going to come visit me. They must have sent you to beg that I keep the children a secret. Too bad I'm afraid, I've already barked!" I laughed maniacally, moving slightly and spinning to the left. I felt the breeze of a knife slicing near my face. "Now now, need you add another scar to my beautiful face? Hm?"

The man snarled, lunging at me again. I laughed more, spinning and kicking his back harshly. He cried out in pain, crumpling to the dirty floor. He groaned, arching his back and gasping for air. I sighed, knocking him out quickly before picking him up. I dropped him on my shoulder, frowning as I carried him to the Young Lord's city home. I dropped him at the front step, knocking before slinking into the shadows. The Butler opened the door, looking at me and receiving a nod before dragging the man inside. "Young Master, it seems the cat has left us a gift on the door step." His voice faded as the door closed, and I hurried back to my shop.


I sat in a nearby seat, waiting. Finally, an excitable red haired beauty burst into the shop. I smirked my usual sly grin and stood up. "You..." Their voice was high in pitch, and they seemed angry. I shortened my grin and brushed my bangs back from my face. They stiffened, and I stepped forward quickly. I jumped forward as they stumbled, grabbing Grell and pulling them close to me. My chest heaved slightly, and I stooped down to press a harsh kiss against their lips.

I smiled slightly as we parted, lifting them by their weakened legs and carrying them off to the back. I pressed small kisses and breathed out lightly against their neck as I walked, kicking the bedroom door closed behind me as I dropped Grell onto the bed. "Finally, I have you." I groaned out, pressing a deep kiss to their lips. Their breath faltered and I swiped my tongue into their mouth, my hands working the clothes from their body. I moaned quietly, slipping my robes from my body. I pressed chaste kisses down their body, tugging the rest of my clothes away before setting a gentle kiss to his hips.

I slid my palms up their thighs, following them with my mouth. I took their stiff member into my hand and stroked it slowly, nibbling lightly at their thigh. Grell moaned, arching their back up off the bed. I smirked, leaning forward to slide my tongue up their length, taking them quickly into my mouth. A moan sounded through the room, followed by a cry of pleasure as I bobbed my head. I moved my hand in sync with my mouth, sucking harshly. I moaned around them, taking it out of my mouth before slipping my hand between their legs. A gasp sounded and moans followed, my hand moving at a quicker pace. Cries of pleasure filled my ears and I purred in response, adding another finger.

I nipped at their hip, sucking harshly and biting. They cried in pleasure, their length stiffening even harder. I smirked, standing over them and wrapping their legs around my hips. Lifting Grell's hips, I pressed a rough kiss to their lips as I thrust my hips forward. A loud moan vibrated my lips, but I didn't know if it was theirs or mine. I parted my lips, licking their bottom lip. Grell quickly opened up for me, tightening their legs around me. I smirked against their lips, holding their hands above their head as I bucked my hips roughly. I leaned back slightly, changing the angle and hearing Grell melt with pleasure. I released their hands, holding their hips to bounce them on my lap. Grell cried out and moaned loudly, arching their back and trying to move their hips.

I moaned quietly, moving my hips quickly as I dropped my head back. Grell moaned beneath me, weakly moving their hips to collide with mine. My thrusts slowed slightly but remained harsh, the skin-slapping sound reverberating around the room. I moaned, biting my lip as I thrust harder, burying myself in them before slowly pulling back. I collapsed over them, moving my hips more feverishly as I pushed closer to the edge.

"Grell," I moaned out. "I wanted you so badly." I panted slightly, leaning forward and hastily capturing their mouth against mine. My thrusts began to weaken, and I groaned against their lips. I gasped and bit their lip, burying myself into them as deep as their body would allow. I moaned, spilling into them as my hips froze. A loud gasp sounded beneath me and I looked down to see Grell's face twisted into an open-mouthed silent cry. They panted, bucking their hips up slightly and spilling on their stomach. I panted slightly, wrapping my arms around their waist and burying my face against their neck.

"Mine," I growled. I nipped their neck, deliberately leaving a dark mark behind. I pulled out, grabbing a cloth and wiping us both before tossing it. I sighed and slipped into bed next to Grell, pulling them against me as I closed my eyes.

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