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Omg omg omg omg you guys??!!!!!! 1.65K?! AHHHHHH I'm screaming in happiness! I love you all and I'm so happy you like the book! I know you must hate me because I haven't updated in so long, but I was staying somewhere and I was writing a lot of poetry and regular short stories, so I'm going to try and update more often when I get back from my real vacation. I'll be gone for two weeks but I will write when I return. Make sure I keep that promise okay? (Smut warning btw)


Two weeks. A fortnight and Undie will come back. It's not that long, right? Wrong. I can't be left alone for two weeks! I glared at the smiling man in front of me until his smile dropped. "Why do you seem so angry?" he asked carefully, leaning away slightly. He knew what was coming to him. My hand shot up and a bright red print blossomed on his face, making him wince. "I'm sorry, Grell."

He stood, pulling his hood up and stalking away, slipping into the shadows. Tears filled my eyes and I seethed, slamming my fist into the nearby brick wall. The bricks flew in and people screamed, trying to get away. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks as I ran back to my office, knocking my things off my desk and destroying the room. I finally let out a strangled sob and collapsed to the floor. I hate him! Angry tears rolled down my face as my office door cracked open but stopped, getting caught on the mess.

"Get a hold of yourself Grell. We have an assignment." William stepped in, kickijg my stuff out of his way and pulling me out the door. I followed after him, completely numb. I knew this was going to happen. I could just feel it inside, how much he had changed and how uncomfortable he seemed all the time. How he started to ignore me and make it seem like he didn't hear me, or when he would avoid me all day. It drove me nearly to madness. I left Will to do the assignment on his own, ignoring his words and just wandering around the city aimlessly. It's all Undie's fault. He's so stupid. I can't believe I fell in love with him so easily. I'm such an idiot.


I heaved out a heavy sigh, looking across the city of new buildings and homes. Looking across the way to watch the person standing on the edge of a tall building. Their red hair flowing and weaving in the gentle wind. I was going to miss that red-headed, loud-mouthed, and highly opinionated Reaper. I loved them. I sighed again sadly and watched their body fall, knowing they would be fine.

It still filled me with panic when I saw Grell trying to commit suicide, even though they were already dead. I wanted so badly to slide my fingers through that beautiful red hair, letting it tangle as their soft lips would press against mine. A lonely tear ran down my face as I recalled the kisses, the subconscious touches that we did just because we could. I sighed as I thought of all the adventures and pleasure just their presence gave me. The times when my loneliness would disappear because they showed up and chased it away. I turned and jumped down from my perch on the small building I called home for many years, hoping Grell will find peace until I return.


It's been a week already. I should know, I've been counting the days. A fortnight. Two weeks. Only one more to go. Where did he have to go that was so important anyways? Why couldn't I go with him? There was a knock on my office door and Will walked in, giving his usual bored stare. "Come on, someone is here to see us." I frowned, following close behind as he led the way to a large room. Sebastian stood just behind his Young Master as the boy was seated on a chair nearby.

"Can we help you?" My voice came out a bit rough, and I cleared my throat.

His eyebrows raised and he rolled the one I could see. "I've been looking for the Undertaker," he started, catching my attention instantly. I urged him to continue, glancing at Sebastian's oddly pained face. "Sebastian and I haven't been able to find him anywhere and we need him. There was a murder recently and he's connected to it. I want to know how."

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