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A/N: To be honest, with all the trouble this chapter gave me, I really debated on deleting it. Hope it isn't too bad for a non-smut chapter!

I looked out the window if the carriage as we passed by. That looks so familiar. It darkens the area and makes this street look a little ominous, if I'm being honest. I sigh quietly and drop my head back against the seat. I watch in my peripheral as buildings pass by. These days have gotten so boring; even nagging Will everyday isn't fun anymore. I've been forgetting things a lot lately, a whole chunk of memory is missing. I have the feeling that building is in those memories somewhere but...I am definitely missing something important.

The carriage pulls to a stop and I step out, offering my hand as Madame Red uses it to step out as well. I tuck a small chunk of brown hair away from my face, watching as she walks ahead of me. This disgusting hag, kidnapping and murdering young women to try and retain her womanly qualities. It's probably a good thing that she hasn't been successful; I can't imagine how horrendous her offspring would be. I look at the ground as the door opens for her and a small twerp awaits her at the stairs. I frown slightly as I glance at his butler. The man looks incredibly familiar and so does the twerp. I stare at the floor, contemplating who they might be to me.

"-hey!" I startle at the sudden noise, looking up at Madame Red.

"Y-yes?" She glares at me, gesturing to her garments. "O-oh, right. My apologies Madame." I swiftly relieve her of her coat and place it neatly over my arm. The tall, dark butler holds his arm out to me and I bow slightly, handing him the coat. I follow as the small boy leads us to his office, taking a seat behind his desk as she sat neatly in the chair opposite. I stood patiently near the door, watching but not quite listening as they spoke of boring business matters. My eyes blur slightly as I zone off into the land of empty, blinking to clear it as I am called over.

"Yes Madame?" She smiles much-too-sweetly and pats the chair next to hers.

"You're going to be staying here for a short while to assist my nephew." I frowned slightly but nodded.

"Yes ma'am." She bobbed her head once and stood. I startled, following suit. I glanced at the small boy, fighting the deja vu I felt as I saw him rest his head on his fist. I watched as she left, lowering my eyes to the floor as the door slammed shut. This situation was starting to make me extremely uncomfortable.

"So," he started. "You are Grell Sutcliff, but of course you have no memory of that." I blinked and my eyebrows drew down in confusion.

"I'm sorry?" I replied.

"Oh please, do not play dumb. You have a large chunk of memories that have gone missing. I could tell when I saw you. Grell lowers their eyes for no mere human." I swallowed the lump that was growing in my throat. "You are Grell Sutcliff, you have an affinity for the color red, and you are probably one of the most annoying creatures I have ever met. I am only telling you this, because recently your lover went missing."

I plopped down onto the chair and brushed my fallen strands from my face. "I have a lover?"

He rolled his eyes, dropping a photo in front of me. It was a photo of a man with long grey hair, smiling towards someone else who had long bright red hair and was clinging to his arm. "The one with the red hair is actually you, I'm looking for the grey-haired man. He has something of mine that is rather important." I stare at the photo, trying to remember who he was. Foggy flashes come to the back of my mind, but I can't quite grasp them. I try to reach but they slip through my fingers and vanish.

"I-" My breathing quickens as I continue to stare, a deep frown making my face ache. "I don't know."

He sighs and places his forehead against his steepled arms, glaring at the desk. "I need you to remember. I need to do whatever it takes, so please, try not to hate me completely after all this." I look up at him in confusion before pain erupts on the back of my head and everything goes dark.

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