Chapter 3: The Semi-Finals

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Squidward ran to his car with the cat in tow. His penis jumped and bounced all around as he quickened his pace, meanwhile Garfield's face was being dragged on the cement. Das conk creet baybee! "WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!" yelled Squidward. Garfield said nothing. Finally they reached Squiddy's boatmobile. Shitward tossed Fatfield in the back seat and floored it without even putting on his seatbelt. He simply did not care, he just knew he had to get away from the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob was bound to tell mr. krabs about what had happened when he escaped the load of dry cum, and squidward was NOT eager to face his boss in a fight. That freak was crazy strong, and Squidward knew he couldn't win in a 1 on 1 battle. He continued to drive when he heard his lover moan from the back, "Sweaty... I don't feel so good." Squidward gasped and turned around. Before his very eyes, the cat was turning to ash. "My sweet little calamari sushi role.... I'll always love you." he said. Then, he vanished in a cloud of dust. He was gone. Squidward screamed, a heart-wrenching yell from the deepest core of his being. He also happened to not be looking where he was going and thus collided directly with old man Jenkins crossing the street. BAM. "Darn those kids!" the wrinkly old bitch said as he went fucking flying and hit a nearby building, splattering blood and guts all across its metal surface. Squidward giggled and placed a tentacle below his pouting mouth. "Oops! Did I do thaaaat?" Somewhere in the distance a laugh track played. Squidward continued to drive but suddenly he became incredibly horny and got the urge to jack off. "Fuck it," he said and stuck one tentacle up his ass while the other stroked his still-soft peepee. "Aaahhh... this is the life." he said. While pleasuring himself he didn't notice his vehicle was headed straight for a day care. He crashed right through the fence surrounding the building and proceeded to crash thru the front doors, running over dozens of squealing babies and toddlers. Squiddie himself was sent soaring from the impact and landed on the floor with only a few scrapes and bruises. "Ugh.... shit. This wasn't supposed to happen." he said as he massaged his big ass head pickle chin havin ass doodoo smellin ass look at this duuuude dirty buttcheek lookin ass. He examined the damage that he'd just caused and that's when he noticed one of the dead bodies belonged to Pearl, the adopted daughter of mr. krabs and also secretly Patrick stars cum dumpster. She had just been killed by Squidward. "Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck" squidward continued to mumble to himself in a panic. When the crab found out about this.... squiddys ass was surely grass. He figured his best bet right now was just to bolt for the exit, to leave the scene. That's when he heard a voice. "And just where do you think you're going..... Mr. Squidward?" Squiddy stopped in his tracks. He could recognize that voice anywhere. "W-w-w-w-w-w-weeelllll helllllooooooooooooooooooooo there mr. krabs! what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the krusty krab working right now?" Squid said nervously. The crab chuckled, standing atop a mound of rubble with one claw behind his back. "I was just on my way to pick my daughter up. Shes completely retarded and despite being at an age where she should be in high school, is uncapable of making her own sentences and still crawls everywhere in a diaper." Krabs glanced at the whale's dead body on the floor in a huge puddle of blood. "Hm. Perhaps you've just done me a favor, Mr. Squidward. Maybe I should thank you for putting her out of her misery." Squidward breathed a sigh of relief. But then Mr. Krabs revealed why he had a claw behind his back. He was wearing the Infinity Gauntlet. It had been remodeled and remastered in Hd 4K to fit him. "However, I've just been DYING to see what this baby can do besides eliminate half the life in Bikini Bottom. Aaaagagagagagagagagagaga!" the crab laughed. Squidward's veins bulged out in rage. "You.... YOU KILLED MY SWEET GARFIELD!" Mr. Krabs stared confusedly at his employee. "Do I look like I give a fuck, dipshit? Now, are you going to come at me or shall I evaporate you where you stand?" Squidward closed his eyes and concentrated. He breathed deeply, in and out. 'Well? Answer me you flaming homo." said mr. krabs impatiently. Squidward lifted his head and opened his eyes, which had changed pattern. They were now black and red with swirls. 


Meanwhile spongebob was back at the krusty krab still struggling to free himself from squidwards cumload 

btw the child in the pic above was one that was killed by squidward while he was driving and masturbating. he tried to run but he was not fast enough, rip lil nigga xox

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