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"Lauren, I'm afraid to say this but..." The doctor started to say, "the test will delay. our tester is jammed and they're bringing us a new one from our shelter in about 2 hours. Is that okay?" Lauren let out the big breath she was holding in. "Oh, of course. That's totally fine with me. Do I have to come back?" She asked the doctor. "No I'll give you a call when I have the results back. I have your number here. But please leave another number in case I can call you if you're phone won't answer." the doctor said. Lauren gave her Ally's number to the doctor and left.

"Ally, I have a really big feeling that I'm pregnant. Could you please drop me off to Luke's house? I need to tell him today, I ant wait any longer" Lauren told Ally while they were on the road. "Sure" she agreed and dropped her off to Keaton's house.

Lauren knocked on the door and Luke's friend, Calum answered it. "Michael , is Luke here?" Lauren asked him. "Nah he's out. He'll be back in an hour or so. You can wait for him if you want." Michael said. Lauren stepped inside and waited for him. After about an hour, he arrived.

When he went inside, Lauren stood up quickly. Her phone started ringing and she answered it. "LAUREN! DONT TELL LUKE ANYTHING! THE DOCTOR CALLED!!'YOU'RE NOT PREGNANT!" Ally shouted from the other end.

Lauren was so relieved when she heard those words. It was like a big weight was lifted from her shoulders. "What?" Lauren said while smiling widely. "Come pick me up then!" Lauren hung up on Ally and stared at Luke. Luke was staring back and getting lost into her glamorous eyes.

"What are you doing here? Came back for me aye?" He said smirking. Lauren opened her mouth but didn't know what to say. "Uhhh... Just came to say hi." She said giving him an awkward smile. Luke grabbed a drink and said. "Oh yeah? Well hi then." Lauren smiled a little and looked around the house to avoid making any eye contact with him. However, Luke kept on staring at her.

"Hey Luke take your visitor to your room! I'm inviting Ashton over." Michael shouted from his room. Luke just chuckled to his
Self and told Lauren to follow him into the room.

As they went to the room, Luke locked the door and sat on the bed motioning Lauren to sit next to him. Lauren embarrassedly sat next to him. He suddenly started to take his Tshirt off. "Whoa what are you doing?" Lauren said a bit angrily. "I gotta show you something Luke responded.

He slowly lifted his finger up and traced the lines of his new tattoo that read 'I will always love you Lauren' Lauren teared up for no reason. She just felt no emotion and could only cry. Then out of nowhere, Luke smashed his lips on hers giving her a sweet passionate kiss. On the other side Lauren didn't know what to do so she gave in and kissed him back for no more than 2 seconds. However Luke didn't want to give in as he held the back of her head and kissed her as passionate as ever. he started to get on top of her.

Lauren quickly came back to reality and realised what she was doing so she quickly pushed Luke off her before it got more serious. "Luke we can't do this. You and I are done for good. I'm dating Brad now. And I'm finally happy. He doesn't deserve to got though what I went with you." Lauren told him. "But Lo, please, I love you. I promise I won't hurt you anymore. Just give me one more chance. I need you Lo, I need you." Luke started to tear up and Lauren gave him a friendly hug. "You'll find someone better."
She simply said after, going outside to wait for Ally to pick her up.

It was getting dark already and Ally hadn't shown up. Lauren called her but she didn't answer. Desperately, Lauren started walking home in the complete darkness. She was thinking of her life as she walked through the Hallway. She didn't know if she had still have some feelings left for Luke. Or if Brad was the exact right person for her. Everything confused her.

She was almost at the end of he alleyway when suddenly, she stepped in a draining hole. He heel got stuck in between which caused her to fall to the side. She tried to getting up. Pain jolting through her ankle area. She had broken her ankle and couldn't get up to avoid what was coming for her.

Lauren saw as a hooded man was approaching her. "Sir, would you mind helping me up? I've broken my ankle and I can't get up unless someone will help me." She said politely hoping he would help her. The man continued to get closer and closer to her, but he didn't even budge in making a move to help her.

Instead, he pulled out a napkin out of his hoodie. Lauren suddenly felt nauseous as she saw that he napkin was dripping something. Lauren knew this man was planning on to hurt her, so she left all her pain behind and Stroud up. She started running in the fear of what he would do to her in this dark, empty alleyway. But instead of running, all she could do was limp as fast as she could.

The man grabbed her and pulled her back, holding the soaked napkin tightly against her nose and mouth. Lauren spirited screaming, but it was no worth. The man's hand was covering the sound out. Fumes started going Lauren's nose. She stared to fell extremely dizzy. She tried hitting the man, but her body was too light. The napkin was soaked in pure alcohol. Lauren tried to take a glimpse at the mans face as she was falling back into her arms. Her eyelids started closing little by little. The man started dragging her out of the alleyway and into a small van. Lauren felt the van moving. Seconds later, her whole world went dark.


Who do you think the kidnapper is? Pls comment! 

And if there are any mistakes please point them out so I can correct them. Ily all!

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