Part 2: Nightmares from the past

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The girl heard that a person's entire life will playback in slow motion when they're dying. There's only darkness before her. "Did the Honkai beast pierce me with its lance?" The girl's mind was a confused mess. Unlike the hapless victims who could only scream and flee to escape the one-sided butchery... "Why am I still alive? Am I beyond redemption? Must I live and witness the fruits of my acts? Perhaps I think I could resist HER... perhaps I can save them... ...perhaps I hope for the recess bell to ring and wake me up from this terrible nightmare." She did not know which one was the truth. Nothing but an eternity of darkness awaits... Kiana's mind was spiraling out of control. The girl grasped at her fondest memories... But those memories became shattered shards that came flying at her...

Kiana was now in a grey place where Kiana's memories played. Then I appeared 5 seconds after she did. Every event that happened and everything up till now. I saw the memory of the event at Soukai City, the sweet memories event. Then I saw the Sakura Samsara memories. With both our minds linked, the memories from our time from enrolling in St. Freya Academy to now.

Finally Drago appeared. He was in his former form what he looked like when he became a Herrscher. "It's happened again." Said Drago. "I know it happened again!" Said Kiana. "Let's just try to end this as soon as we can." I said. We walked down the grey floor till we stopped near the edge.

At the edge floated Sirin. What she used to look like. Long purple hair and golden eyes. "Now there's the true form of Siren just like at the tower of Babylon labs." I said. "Something I have not seen for a really long time." Said Drago.

Suddenly, copies of Mei and Theresa appeared. "Auntie Theresa! Mei-Senpai!" Shouted Kiana. "Your friends... they said they'll bring you home... And Patrick said that too when the time is right that he will bring you back to them after you refused... ...but if they realized your true self... ...will they welcome you with open arms?" "They already saw that at Schicksal HQ. Even Theresa discovered the horrible truth about Kiana. And Himeko too. I heard her say that. Fu Hua knew from the start and kept it top secret. And so did Rita and Durandal. After we beat that fake copy of Welt Joyce. Drago showed me down to that place where Einstein, Cocolia, and Theresa were. Then before we entered the data space, Drago and I found out more about the Celine Project, the 2nd Honkai Outbreak, and Otto's true intentions. Show them."

Drago made an image appear and showed a room with clones inside testing pods labeled project Celine. "Ah yes. The other K1 clones. Overseer Otto started that project to bring me back. He infused Kaslana and Schariac DNA with my DNA to create those clones. And you... K423." Kiana couldn't process. Only to be more hurt with more of the truth. "To these "friends" of yours... ...the girl named Kiana is no more. They will try to save you by destroying you." Then Sirin made the copies attack us.

"I'm sorry, Kiana-Chan..." Said Fake Mei. "I had to do this..." Said Fake Theresa. "Theresa! Mei-Senpai! What are you doing?" "KYAHAHAHAHAH~⭐️" I used ice and froze their legs. "Kiana! They're not real. They're fake copies created by Sirin. Fight them." Kiana and I faced them head on and managed to defeat them in seconds.

Sirin teleported down further away as more floor appeared for us to walk down. Another memory appeared. It was the memory of after we finished our exams when Kiana fell into a dream created by Sirin.

"Before Rita left. She had a mischievous smile on her face which told me that she was up to something and I was right. She was also Otto's other Spy watching you. She's also on my kill list with Durandal. She didn't visit St. Freya to see how the students were, she visited to see how you were doing to see how Otto's experiment and test was going. She was the one who hacked the system to see how you would do against an emperor class Honkai." "Really?" "I'm afraid so. She knew about the Celine Project also."

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