Part 7: Rage and Redemption

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Sirin's illusion appeared before us then Drago's illusion appeared also. "Me?" Asked Kiana. "No. Its Sirin." I said. "Humans... they always make the same mistake. They always sacrifice themselves for others. She never knew that her sacrifice left a festering wound in your heart... and allowed me to return... you'll never be rid of me. Moments of weakness and painful memories fuel my strength and bring ruin to your surroundings. Similar to you Drago. Your host's rage and hatred fuels your strength and brings destruction to Patrick's surroundings. Escape? Where can you hide? I *AM* YOU, Kiana! And Drago *IS* YOU, Patrick!" "SHUT UP!" Kiana and I screamed at the same time. Then the Honkai appeared. Then we charged in screaming.

I punched the ground that sent a shock wave of lightning killing some of the Honkai beasts while Kiana activates her Ultimate, Neko-Charm and was doing the same thing. Fire ignited on my legs and then I kicked a chariot till it was destroyed. We were now going berserk. Kiana kept whacking away at the Honkai while I was instant killing with my laser guns holding nothing back.

"BAS****! BAS****! BAS****! BAS****! BAS****!" I kept saying as I kept stomped down on a chariot's head with blue fire on my foot. "Kiana, Patrick, you're both losing control over your energies. Take a deep breath and calm down." But we wouldn't listen to Fu Hua and kept overkilling. She tried to tell us again but Drago stopped her. "I told you... They're not gonna listen to you. They don't trust you anymore and want nothing to do with you. Now they've snapped. The children are broken. It would be best to let me do it." Said Drago. "Alright." Said Fu Hua.

"Patrick! Kiana! You're pushing yourselves too hard!" Drago shouted. "He who attacks first wins!" I shouted. "Yeah! This is how Himeko-Sensai would have done it!" Kiana shouted. But then an archangel rams me from the back making me tumble. "No you don't!" I fire a powerful blast of blue fire holding nothing back killing more of the Honkai. Kiana did the samething and killed the last of them with her energy cat paws. Then we ran after Sirin.

We finally got to a helicopter landing where Sirin's illusion was. "Just use your powers, Kiana. Do you really want to die here?" Asked Sirin. "Never. We do not wish to die here." I said. But Sirin disappeared than an Emperor Honkai called Lugal appeared. I took out one of my swords then a mix of blue flames and lightning manifested on it. "HAAAAAA!!!!!!" I screamed and charged in then slashed it and made the emperor explode. "Neko-Charm!" Then Kiana uses her Neko-Charm again and kept whacking it without stopping.

I switching to duel wielding and wouldn't stop slashing. "Stop using full power and hold back." Drago begged. "NEVER!" I shouted. "Patrick. I cannot let you keep this up. I'm taking control." "NO YOU'RE NOT!" I refused to let Drago take control over my body. We didn't stop attacking until the emperor was finally dead.

We ended up at a wrecked street where Sirin's illusion was. "Pathetic little coward. Where can you run to? You have nowhere else to go." More Honkai beasts appeared. Kiana suddenly grabbed her head in pain. Sirin was gonna regain control again. I held nothing back once again and blasted all the Honkai beasts away with fire and lightning.

After destroying the Honkai beasts, Kiana was down on her knees. "I've brought you to your knees." Said Sirin. "Kiana." I kneeled down in front of her.

"I... won't let you do this..." Kiana held her gun. Then she pointed it up her chin to commit suicide. But then Fu Hua stopped her before I could. "I'm here Kiana. And so are Patrick and Drago." Then I joined in and hugged Kiana. "This is not the time for despair." Said Fu Hua. She wrapped one of her arms around me then I felt the anger slowly fade away. "Patrick. Don't be angry. This is also not the time for rage or sorrow. You've been angry for too long and you've been letting your rage take control over you. You and Drago have a job now. And that's keeping Kiana safe from Sirin and Schicksal."

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