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Unable to sleep, staring up at the ceiling with his eyes open wide, Pony's room had begun to feel suffocating. He needed air, fresh air.

Carefully removing the blanket Soda had draped over him, he sits up, putting both feet flat on the floor. Making it to the door of his bedroom was easy, but one wrong move on the floorboards outside it, Darry and Soda would be up in a second.

Ponyboy tiptoes quietly down the hall, avoiding the squeaky floorboards he had memorized by heart. He makes it to the front door without any mistakes. Gingerly, he turns the handle of the door and slips outside, closing it just as carefully.

The night air feels cool against Pony's burning skin as his lungs fill themselves with the fresh oxygen, making him feel like he could properly breathe again. Pony takes a few steps to the left towards the end of porch, closing his eyes as he listens. Listens to the way the leaves would shake slightly when a breeze would pass; or when the crickets would chirp somewhere down in the grass.

These special moments alone, made him feel happy to be alive. He didn't feel like a greaser, or anything else for that matter. He didn't think about Dallas or anyone else he knew. All he felt was the cool night air on his skin, filling up his lungs; all his thoughts silenced. A slight smile finds its way onto his face as he shoves his hands into his pants' pockets. 'Just a few more minutes.'

If hours had passed, Pony wouldn't have known it; he was so lost in this one moment he couldn't hear the person climbing the stairs of the porch behind him.

"The hell are you doing?" A rough voice interrupting the peaceful night air says, pulling Pony out of his slight daze. He turns to the source of the voice, which was directed behind him.

When Pony's grey eyes meet Dallas' brown ones, the air is forced out of his lungs. He hadn't expected to see the older boy tonight, let along expecting him to speak to him. "I-I just had to get some fresh air." Pony answers him, unable to refuse under his slightly intimidating stare.

Dallas takes a look at him, with a expression that Pony couldn't read. It looked hard and mean, like it usually was; but at the same time, it didn't. Pony couldn't figure it out for the life of him.

hello everyone!
i'm back!
thank you all for waiting patiently for the rest of the story.
i feel so much better now, so I expect to go on with the story from now until it's finished.
i don't really know when it'll end or where i'll stop the storyline, but i'll enjoy the journey until I get there

I hope everyone is happy and most of all healthy in times like these. Please stay safe.

-thank you-

[happily] dallyboyWhere stories live. Discover now