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[pony pov]

Dallas' piercing gaze sent a shiver running down my spine, making me quite visibly tremble. "You shouldn't be outside at a time like this." Dallas says, shrinking a match and lighting up a cancer stick.

I almost scoff. I shouldn't be out at this time? Who the hell does he think he is. "I could say the same for you." I say, giving him a hard glare. His expression looks shocked for a moment before looking angry.

Ya know, sometimes I wish I could just keep my mouth shut. Right now is one of those times. I knew any second, he would do something, I don't know what, but something to get back at me. In fear, I close my eyes, waiting for whatever it was he would do to me.

But the only thing I hear is a slight chuckle. "It so easy to scare ya, Pony." He says. I open my eyes to see him running a hand through his hair. "Whatever you were thinkin', it's not going I happen." He walks a few steps back and drops down onto the porch steps. He motions me over to sit next to him, so I do. What? I'd rather not get on his bad side for real.

I sit a few feet from him, keeping my distance because deep down, I was still trembling in fear.

"You're really scared of me, aren't ya, kid." Dallas says, causing me to glance over to him. His face is pointed towards the street, not letting me see it. He takes a drag of his cancer stick before tapping the ashes onto the concrete walkway.

I think for a few moments, trying to find a way to answer him. It didn't matter if he asked or not, I couldn't outright say 'Oh yeah, you terrify me sometimes'. Finding the right words for a question like that takes some thinking about.

As the seconds tick by, the question becomes farther and farther way. The silence between us feeling heavier and heavier as I struggle to find the right words, any words.

"I guess that's okay." Dallas speaks, taking another drag before flicking the cigarette down onto the concert. "It's smart." Standing from his place, he treads down the rest of the steps and out to the gate.

"It's not like that." I say, making him stop in his tracks. "I just..." I try to go on, wanting to give him an explanation. "I don't know." I end up muttering.

After a few moments of silence, Dallas turns to face me, a slight grin resting on his face. "Don't worry 'bout it, kid." The light from the porch light illuminates his face, leaving shadows and skin in perfect contrast. His sharp features looking even better in the pale yellow light. "You should go inside." At this he turns, stepping outside the gate and out onto the sidewalk.

Quietly watching Dallas' tall figure walk silently down the dimly lit street, hands shoved deep in his jacket's pockets quickly becomes engraved in my memory. I'd probably always remember this. This one bittersweet moment that left me feeling cold, yet content.

[happily] dallyboyWhere stories live. Discover now