Nothing can make it worse now, right?

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"JENNIE WAKE UP", Brooke shouted in my ears. I forgot that I'm in the luxurious private jet on my way to Hawaii with my.... whatever he is and my friends. Hawaii is going to be my home for the next 6 days. I'm going to enjoy it.

I was amazed when I saw the hotel we were staying in. Man, it's so amazing, the whole floor was covered with marbles which were shining due to the reflection of the chandelier. The floor was cleaned, not even a foot mark is spotted. I wonder how would be the rooms. The manager gave us our keys and we parted.

Rooms left me amazed- The room had a bathroom with a hot tub, 64-inch T.V., a balcony with a wooden table, and a huge and comfy bed. It is too much for me. After getting refreshed, I went to a private dining area- booked only for us. All this for almost nil price because it's Jessica's hotel.

"Well, Meow, I mean Jen- that's what your friends call you right?", he's trying to be friendly with me.

"Yes", I answered.

"Do you like your room?", he asked.

"Like is one word for it, I love it Tom", I said with a clear hint of happiness in my tone.

"That makes me satisfied", Is he looking after me or just casually asking me as a friend?

"Hey guys, I have a plan for tonight", Olivia spoke up. She's one with high taste and great anger problems like me. Her hair is so smooth that I wonder if she washes them with honey?

"Spit it out already", said Baisten. Olivia's brother with same rage problems and a little weird one, although he's sexy.

These people are different and interesting. Olivia, Baisten, and Melissa go to 'The Scholarmount high school' in London. They joined us as they are friends of Jessica and Tom. Jake and Maxwell seem to know them too. I'm looking forward to building friendly relations with them.

"How about bonfire and some games at night, so that we can be comfortable around each other?", Olivia suggested.

"Oh seriously! you want to know these low-class people, I'd rather get stuck on some barren island. I let them crash our vacation due to Tom. Note it", said Jessica looking directly towards me. She's been a complete bitch to me since she returned to school.

The first time, when she saw me, she pushed me towards the walls. I tried to give her a piece of my mind but Naina stopped me as she was scared that, that thing would turn out in some big crazy fight. I just don't like her. She's always trying out on Tom. Like sometimes she sits beside him holding his hand or sometimes she yells at other girls who try to flirt with Tom. Tom didn't seem to mind those things that Jessica do with him. Of course, why would the king of school reject the queen of school? The worst part is that Jessica is the captain of the cheerleading team. There's one thing I like about her that she keeps personal and professional things separate. I thought that she would not let me enter the team but she was the one who accepted me in cheerleading after seeing my performance in tryouts.

"Shut up, Jessica we are being friendly here and if you don't want to then you can fly back home", said Melissa. Though she's rich she doesn't give a shit about it. She likes to be a normal person more, this is what I think of her from the experience of spending thirteen hours on the plane.

"WHATEVER" exclaimed Jessica and went back to doing her lipstick. Jessica makes other people hate her. She doesn't have a heart, I think. She treats everyone like shit. Though she's pretty, she's ugly from inside. She glares at me every time and I can tell that she doesn't like me being around Tom.

"So it's planned then, meet at gardens at 10'O clock and have some rest till then cause I probably have jet lag", Olivia said.

On my way to the room, I saw Jessica whispering something to Tom on the stairs, Tom seemed upset about that thing that Jessica told him, honestly, I'm curious but I'm not going to intrigue as I don't want to hear Jessica making some shitty comment on me for eavesdropping.

After having dinner in our rooms due to jet lag, as per Olivia's plan, we gathered on the lawn and a bonfire was already set up. It felt so warm and calming. First, I went to eat some snacks that were placed at a nearby table. Cupcakes, Chocolates, Donuts, Ice-creams, Jellies, and many other sweet edible things. As I took a huge bite of chocolate donut, an arm rested on my shoulder.

"Guys, please, I'm eating. Don't try to make me hangry or you will have to kneel hugging your stomach in pain", I really mean what I said to whoever it was,

"So you were hangry when you kicked me?", THICK BRITISH ACCENT,

"Tom", I said turning around immediately, "Yes I was, and you made me angrier", I said munching on my donut.

"Well, I'm happy that you didn't kick my balls as I really want to have my children", I laughed out and my mouth went all 'O' shape as it's filled with donuts. After a second or two he also started laughing with me.

"I haven't cracked a joke yet and you are laughing at other jokes? Man I hate you both", said Maxwell wiping a fake tear from his skin,

"We laughed even harder at this, don't know why", after laughing and EATING, we settled down and I obviously sat beside Naina and Aleister sat beside me.

"Let's play Truth or Dare", suggested Shyna and everyone nodded in approval except for Brooke, as she doesn't like these types of games. But after a lot of persuading she agreed.

The bottle rolled on moist grass as we sat in the circle near the bonfire. It stopped pointing at Tom and Naina. I already knew what Naina would try to get from him- either to kiss me or to take me to his room if he chooses dare. I can tell by the looks she was giving me.

"Truth", Tom choose,

"Chicken", exclaimed Olivia,

"Who is near to your ideal type?", asked Naina,

Hearing this question, Maxwell stood up and did a little bow, "It's me", he said.

"Aerial", Tom answered.

"Hate you", saying this Maxwell took the wine bottle from Tom's hand and started drinking, "Today, I drink till I forget everything. The love of my life rejected me", he acted out little opera.

"Don't listen to him. He's crazy", Tom said and this made me laugh a little.

"Aerial- the mermaid", Melissa teased him,

"No, Aerial is a human and she's a girl", I don't know why but I feel a little sad. Naina was looking at me with concerned eyes. I gave her a fake smile. This was the moment when my mood died but still, I pretended to be happy. Why am I still drunk on the idea that love can fill the missing part of mine?

After some more rounds of the game when Jessica kissed Maxwell, Olivia was in her bra and panties, Naina conveyed her whole story of how she lost her virginity at age of 15, Baisten took some shots, Aleister showed his talent for ballet, Tom ate some cubes of ice, Melissa kissed Shyna and Brooke poured some water down her bra, it's finally my turn and I chose dare and the one giving me dare was Jessica.

"I dare you to slap Tom as you did before", Jessica said with a smirk. Everything was going on smoothly until this came up and raised thick tension in the atmosphere. I know she did it on purpose. In Tom's eyes, I can see a sign of guilt.

"I think it's time to stop the game now, I'm sleepy", Melissa said seeing the tension rising in the air. I think Olivia, Melissa, and Baisten knew all the things that happened between me and Tom, or maybe they can sense an unhealthy past between us.

"First, let her complete her dare", Jessica demanded,

"I started the game, now I officially end it here. No more dares and Jessica, I need to talk with you can you please come to my room", Olivia's been good to me since we met and I mentally thanked her for showing her maturity.

Jessica and Olivia took off on their way and Maxwell began joking and seems like the tension went down. I got a bonus point when everyone was busy laughing over Maxwell's jokes, Tom invited me to come over to the garden's hedge tomorrow. Says he has something important to tell me and I agreed. At least he can be a good friend if not-- God why do I still like him? And as usual, I told it to Naina and now she's forcing me for spa, manicures, and shopping saying that I can win him over Aerial. But I don't want to enter in some fucking competition to win Tom and be the trophy girlfriend.

It's just a friendly date according to me. Nothing can make it worse now, right?


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