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 I'm on the sidewalk, covered in my own blood.  I pity all the people who suffer, everyone who blames themselves for an accident that wasn't their fault. 

 My name is Annabella Monroe, I was only 16. When I was killed, on impact. Or so they say. I was in a loving family of four, no secrets, no disrespect, just one big happy family. Until Roger came along, My beautiful mother decided to have an affair with the local sheriff in town. Roger Whilely, 30, no kids, no strings attached. She soon fell in love blah blah blah. Left my father and her two kids, for an upstate apartment in New York. 

   I was devastated, My mom, gone because a shinier toy came waltzing into town. Leaving my father, brokenhearted, and no longer sober. On his deathbed mostly, drinking so heavily that sometimes, he didn't wake for days. One time he tried being that unrurly awful abbusive dad. Though his heart broken, it wasn't lost. When he raised his hand to my little sister Lyila, I jumped on him, knocking him down while Lylia screamed in protest. 

  He knocked me off and stood up, as I did as well. He raised his hand to me, took in the hot tears burning me, paining me forever. He broke down and screamed for us too leave. "OUT!" He cried "GET OOUUUUUUTTTTT!" At that moment he reminded me of the beast in "Beauty and the beast" He was wild, unshaven and intoxicated.

   Lylia and I ran from the place, as far and as quick as we could. Crying and wild ourselves. I had to be the adult here, I had to protect her from now on. She was only 13, just a small child. So frail, so clueless. We both hopped into the car, I calmed myself as I tried to comfort her. 

"It's all gonna be alright Lylia, you know how Daddy is since Momma left. He didn't mean it..." She wailed at my words, so I decided to sing to her. Late at night sometimes, when we were younger, she would be so afraid of the dark. So I would be gentle and let her climb into my bed, so I sang to her. After a few notes, her shaking stopped, and she would fall asleep. As peaceful as she pleased. 

  She buried her face into my hair, Her unrurly Red hair swirling all around, carrot colored. Mine was similar, though darker and striaghtened. Her Bright Blue eyes contrasted against my Clover colored green ones. At the moment, her eyes were so darkly filled with pain that it worried me so. I began to sing one of her favorite movie songs. 

  "Nothings gonna harm you, while I'm arroounnddd' Lylia laughed at that, "Oh" she started "How ironic."  I hummed the rest (because I didn't know anything other than that one verse) Lylia soon calmed down and her sobbed slowed to where the shaking stopped, but the tears didn't. I knew we were gonna be okay, We had to be..... We were survivors 

  Little did I know that my airy confidence would be the Death Of Me

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