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It hurt, it hurt really bad. One moment I would be outside my body, examining the wreckage. I looked at the flipped car, broken glass, everywhere. I could see smoke raising from the hood. It worried me, I hoped it wouldn't catch fire. Other than the worry I felt, there was nothing else. It was dull, numb and depressing. That was only feelings, everything else was brightened. Not only brightened, but the glare of the sun didn't hurt my eyes. I could see every flare and every ray. It was beautiful, too beautiful. So sad, such a wonderful day for something like this to happen. I couldn't even enjoy it. When I wasn't feeling bland or admiring beauty, I was stuck in the car. Inhaling carbon monxide, and feeling that dreadful, exhausting pain. I saw blood everywhere, running from incisions from my face. I tried to squirm, using what strength I had. A cry escaped me, yupp from what I could tell, my hip was broken. Great!

I tried to look upon my surroundings, I saw everything crumpled. All I heard was silence, I then wondered about the person who hit me. Roger! I almost forgot about him! Was he dead? Or just highly injured? I hoped the worst for him, the creep. The deserved to burn in hell! "God help me" I whispered ever so quietly. I then heard something, what was that? Footsteps? I thought of the show 'Touched by An angel' was this Andrew? Coming to escort me home? I heard grunting, it was strangely familier. I heard the roof being ripped off, what the hell? I opened my eyes just enough to see who my "visitor" was. Sure enough, with all my luck. It was Roger. "The pretty thang. oh your not looking to good! Too bad." The shook his head in pity, then laughed. I desperatly wanted to scream, but I couldn't find my voice. I did dare to stare him down, he had cuts on his arms. And a deep gash going across his eye. He stared right back, then knelt down to whisper to me. "Guess what princess, I'm getting payback. Don't ever cross me again, because trust me, your little stay? Won't be a 5 star hotel."

"Go...g-go t-to hell" my voice came out defiant and whavery. My teeth chattered, I was so cold. Roger laughed, it was a mechanical evil laugh. It made me wish for death, "Still think your tough eh? Please!" The spit on me, it rolled down my cheek. Disgusting! Roger pulled me out of the car not so gracisously. Ignoring all my injuries, only made me whimper. The twisted my hip, I screamed. "Shut up bitch!" He put his hand over my mouth, I was able to bite down, hard. My voice came out as soft as a whisper, "learn some manners. Never call a girl a bitch." After the howled for his bite, the growled at me. I saw his car, barly damaged. He opened the passengers side and threw me in, I looked up at him. Only to see his fist connect with my face. I felt nothing else.  


Did you know you could dream while knocked out? First I saw everything in white, no color at all. Then a burst of light. Color exploded! I saw everything with clear vison. The colors didn't have a meaning, it just made me feel so, happy. Giddy even! I danced around and giggles till no end. Then all I heard was a voice, at first it was a ton of voices. All familier, but in then end it came down to one voice. A man's voice, a deep man's voice. Unreconizable, but comforting. The just seemed to say the same thing over and over. "IT ALL HAS TO GET WORSE BEFORE IT CAN GET BETTER" I spun around, confused and trying to find the sorce of the voice. The boomingness of the voice was overwhelming. It brought me to my knees. All of a sudden, it came to me. This wasn't a harming, unpleasnt message, but sort of a comforting warning. I realized God his preparing me for probably the hardess challenge of my life. I had to be ready, so God let me escape my thoughts, and go into a peaceful slumber.

When I awoke, it was disorienting. For the first time in my life, I woke, and didn't know where I was. I blinked and let my eyes become familier with their surroundings. I was in a hospital bed no doubt, though I had light pink sheets, and an IV attached to the inside of my elbow. The walls looked, water stained and murkey. Like a basement. It smelled of mold and morphine. Huh, that must be in my IV. It made me drowsey, I could tell you that right off the bat. I tried to sit up, but my hip made it almost impossible. I shifted and groaned at the pain. Morphine barly did anything at the moment, I wonder It it's still broken. I heard a voice, and immediently smelled nicotine."Careful, you might damaged more than we can fix." A shadow came from the walls, a female, mid-thirties at least. Dark blonde hair. Mom. It was mom. I blinked and shook my heard, refusing to speak. Tears threatened to control me. I fought them. She took a deep puff and slowly released it. She knows I hated ciggerate smoke. I avoided it at all cost. I coughed, the smell intensified. I glanced at mom, when then emerged Roger Whitely. The memory of the accident came rushing back. I remember it all, except the beauty of no longer being human. I know I saw beauty, but I can't remember it. How sad. I couldn't dwell on that now. I saw Roger take some chewing tobacco out of his pocket, I remember grandpa doing that, heard was such a good man. Such an annoying habit killed him, another reason I stayed away from tobacco. Though Roger was not Grandpa. He never will be.

"Did a good job huh?" Roger said cockaily.

"I said to get her not almost kill her you baffoon!" Mom screeched annoyingly "How will we ransom her?! It's like trying to sell damaged goods! Plus I don't need a murder in my hands." Mom rolled her eyes, as If my broken body was nothing but a nusiance. A bother. Wait, what did they mean ransom? I opened my mouth to ask but they were already caught up in their own argument, ignoring me completly.

"Look, I will to but the local pharmacy and pick up some more drugs for the kid. I happen to know a guy!"

"Yes, only you would know a guy in ohio!" Wait, what!?!?! We're in Ohio?!? How long was I out? They continued to bicker, I continued to ignore then. I closed my eyes, desperate of sleep. I felt a hand in my throat, threatening to squeeze.

"Where is your dumbass father?" Mom's voice growled.

"You should know, you did set up traps!" My voice came steadily.

"He wasn't there, I obviously sent the wrong person to set then up!"

"Well I don't know MOTHER! Even if I did, you won't get me to snitch. I don't know what your plan is but......" I was cut off with a slap of the cheek. It stung, but minimaly it was nothing compared to my hip and dwell, whole body!

"Try again tomorrow." She muttered with a flick of her hair, she quickly disapeired into the shadows. I heard a door slam, then silence. I sighed, and began to count down the days of my imprisonment. This, is only Day One.

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