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When I awoke, I saw 2 monsters surrounding me. At least, that's what I thought they were. They were faded out, and unclear to me. They were advancing on me, I cried out, hopeing someone would rescue me. I was brought back into reality by a voice calling my name. Three voices? Two female, one male. "ANNABELLA!!!" I opened my eyes once more, brave enough to face the monsters again. When I opened my eyes once more, I saw not monsters but Hally and Niall. I sighed blissfully.

"Oh, it's just ya'll. Okay hmmm what's cooking?"

"Annabella, what the hell?! You come in here pale and bruised. Then you FAINT! What happened over there?! You were gone for like 2 hours. I had to call Niall, He was just about to come look for you."

I waved away her accusations and worried expressions, I was too tired to deal with anything. Why did my body ache so much? "Niall help me up please?" In one swift movement Niall scooped my body up and planted my feet on the ground. That's when everything was rushed. My blood to my head, my memories...oh my goodness...last night. I did a scan for Lylia.

"She's at school, safe and sound." Released the breath I was holding in "Thanks Hally. Again." "No problem kiddo." I looked around was the windows, the sun was out? When I left it was nightime. Must be morning, in shocker there, I desperately needed sleep. "Hally can I use the shower?" She sad Yea and led me to the bathroom, where she locked the door and cornered me. "Annabella what happened last night?" I took a shaky breath and replied, "I honestly don't know, people were there talking about "getting" someone. I eventually was able to sneak in, but the house was like, bobbytrapt or something. Though not well put together. I grabbed what I could and ran off. The weirdest thing was the people, were Momma and Roger!" After I was finished telling my horrific tale, Hally just kinda stood there. /looking disbelieveing and quite horrified. "Well" she finally said, "Are you okay? I didn't know you had such good reflexes, dodging those darts!" She cracked a smile. Yupp, there's the Hally I know!

   "Well I'm gonna leave you to get a shower because after trying to revive you all night, You stink, I stink..."

   "So we all stink!"

   "There you go" She cracked open the door and shouted for Niall. I closed the door so I wouldn't have to witness their romantic embrace.I shuddered, another thing we would have to get used to. Alone in the eerie silence, I disrobed. Turning on the hot shower, Hally had no fan, so the steam rose quickly. One second I see my dirt smudged face, then the next I moment I see a shadowy figure. Nothing but a shadow. I finally steped into the shower, and was immediently burned. Though I didn't care, I needed all I could to wipe away everything, memories, dirt, past touches. I found Hally's soap and scrubbed furiously, my skin rubbed raw and red. I washed my hair and completated life like every teenage girl should. Like every teenager should. I stopped to think at that, I'm no teenage girl, I was kicked out, shot at, fainted, all in the past 24 hours. Wow. I was suddenly glad for the grace of God I have in my heart and him blessing me with Hally. I said a silent prayer. Confessing my dirty language and the awful things I've thought and said in my past life.

  Why should God ever Love me? What did I do to deserve it? These were questions I pondered over, though already knew the answers to. It's the same message everyday, all day. God loves you, He sent Jesus to die for us blah blah blah. Don't get me wrong, I'm terrified at the story but respect it as well. I just wished the preached something different. I got out of the shower and wraped myself in towels, then I reliazed. I had no clean clothes. Wonderful. I cracked open the door, "Hally?"

  A male voiced answered, "She's outside working." Dang I thought, "Um Niall, I need a favor.." "On it." I heard him reply, I made sure my towel was around me tightly and peeked my head around the door. He was already there with my bag, eyes closed. I thank God for men like Niall everyday. I reached out and grabbed it, more confident now. "Thank you so much Niall." "No problem....can I go now?" I laughed "It's your house isn't it?" I closed the door, not waiting for an answer. I grabbed my toothebrush, deoderant, hairbrush, clothes Ect. When I fully dressed I reliazed I had no makeup to cover my pale splochy face.  My hair was wild and curly, beach waves that I hated, but now kinda liked.

  I really didn't care about appearences at the moment. It wasn't like I was trying to impress anyone here. I've known Niall for years. Yes he used to be a big international popstar, but to me. He was just another fluffy guy. He was practicly my big modest brother. I remember when I first saw him cry, it was at Harry's funeral. Harry died of Lukemia a couple years back. So instead of replacing him, the band just broke up. Still doin gigs and staying touch. Zayn was staying with LIam who was married now.Zayn was just a player, new girl every week. Louis works at a bar where he supports Eleanor and their baby boy, Harry. Anyway, I cleared out of  the bathroom and went to put my things in the guest room where Lylia and I would be sleeping. I sorted everything out and decided to call my boss and let him know that I was out with the flu. After getting a huge lecture on germs and hardwork, I got a frisk "Get well" and the dial tone. Gotta love people.

  I walked back to the kitchen, this house was so much bigger than I thought it was. It had Hally's touch to it in the front. Making it look like a small apartment, then Niall's expensive touch in the back. Making everything look Huge! I finally find my way back to the kitchen and see Niall cooking, and Hally out in the front yard, cleaning up. I shook my head, what an odd couple. I could see Niall was cooking french toast stix. Hmm my favorite.

"Anything I can do to help?"

 "Nah, were all good here. Well actually turn on the radio and go sit down and relax." I did as told by "Doctor" Niall. I decided to not turn on the T.v but start conversation instead.

  "So how are the guys?"

  "They're all great, still torn up though. Louis has a beautiful baby, Zayn's out screwing around. Liam is happily married to the wretched woman."

  "Oh you don't like Crystal? Well she is a little uptight, and strict, and just...Well Niall that's Crystal, and Lima loves her so deal with it." I said fake scowling him.

  "But he never has any fun anymmoorrreee!" He said whining like a little baby. We both laughed and heard Katy Perry's old song "Wide Awake" I began to sing along, Niall joined in, making harmony. We heard Hally come in the door, but we didn't stop. Hally isn't the jelaous type so we had nothing to be afraid of. Plus I would never steal her man from her. She just stood at the counter and tapped out a beat. We sounded amazing if I do say so myself. I matched Katy's voice perfectly and hit her highest note, while adding some of my own. The song finally ended and we were all out of breath. Niall turned around with an awed expression on his face. "Your FANTASTIC! I need to call up the guys, we could so use you.."

  I kinda just let him drone on and on while Hally gave me a sympathetic expression. Later I'll peacefully decline. Making up some excuse, because there's no way am I goin up on stage and doin something like that. He can forget that. I looked at the clock, 10:30. so much of the has passed, phsh yeah right. I wish this day woud go faster. I needed something to do. I can't stay in this house all day! I looked around the house and went to go check up on their home library. All the books they had were Stephan King and books about One Direction. Whoop De-freaking-doo! I remembered where I had my car keys and I knew exactly where Lylia was. The idea started to form. Now it was in action. I grabbed some flip-flops on and snatched my keys,lipgloss, and sunnies. I was ready to move. I came across Hally on my way out. "Where are you going?"

  "I need to get out and do something, so I'm gonna pick up Lylia and we are gonna window shop."

  "Are you sure that's the best option right now?" Her question caught me at the door, It was puzziling and irriatating.

  "Look I need to explain things to Lylia okay, I don't want her worried or afraid. That's MY job. Don't you remember me at 13? How anxious I always was? I don't want that for her." Hally took one look at me, Her hazel eyes boreing into my green ones. She shurgged and went inside. I sighed, she wasn't happy. Though this isn't about her happiness. this was protecting the ones I loved, Don't get me wrong, I love Hally. I AM gonna protect Lylia though, till the day I die.

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