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                                                                      DAY 2

      The darkness was terrifiing, but strangely comforting. It gave me time to think, about life, about Lylia. Was she safe? Did they have her capture too? I also thought about how unsanitary this was. I could hear the rats skitter across the floor.  My eyes soon ajusted after mom left, It was still dark, and kinda scary. At least I could see my hand in front of my face. I wondered what they would do with me. Torture me? Like I heard them say only days ago? Wow, only days ago. It felt like millenina's ago. Would they starve me? Or just leave me hear to die? What did they want from me? Why did they want to ransom me? Dad Lylia and I had nothing. He spent his paychecks (whenever he ffelt like getting them) on booze. I was the supporter. I had 2 jobs, one I recently lost due to bugget cuts. Plus on top of that devastion, I had school. Always been a straight A student, 4.0 average. I had a whole future. Now, I barely had a 3.0 average. I was so caught up with a financial future for Lylia. Plus still let my father eat.

  I remembered everything before the affair. I was 8 years old, Lylia was 5. Dad was sober, mom was loving again.  It was my 8th birthday party. It was just the 4 of us. I remember Lylia and I were arguing about who would get the pretty princess crown. That was the age I was obsessed with Belle, from Beauty and the Beast. Even then I was self concious. I loved Belle, practicly worshiped her. She was so much like me. She read all the time, she had a beautiful voice, a loving father. Everyone loved Belle. She even had the most popular guy after her. Oh Gast'on! Everyone loved Gast'on, except Belle. She wasn't afraid to be different. The most important thing that Beauty and the Beast taught me was, everyone was beautiful on the inside. Even ugly people can have their happy endings. Anyway So Lylia and I were arguing about the pretty princess crown. So Dad came to refree and smiled. He had a beautiful smile, he had crinkles around his eyes, and laugh lines around his mouth. He was wearing a plain light blue t-shirt, and his favorite jeans. He practicly lived in them. So he smiled and left. Of course Lylia  and I were so confused. He was just gonna let us fight? So we followed him. When we finally found Dad, we saw that he had a bizillion crowns surrounding him! They were big, small, pink, green, purple ect. After that we attacked him with kisses and "thank you's!"

   The memory brought tears to my eyes, it even made me smile. Which was rare. Especialy in my situation at the moment. I thought of how obsessed I was with One Direction then. Which brought Niall to my mind. How I worshiped him. then I reliazed the song he always sings to Hally. It was Little Things. She loves that song. It was so simple, yet so meaningful. Thinking of all these things, were so random. Yet they were things that made me happy. At the moment I needed joy. I started to giggle, giggles turned into laughter. I then started to sing Little Things, It brought a connection to Hally and Niall. I prayed that they were okay. I started to pray, I prayed harder to God for their safety, for Lylia's safety. Even Dad's. Just when My prayer ended. A burst of light caught me. It blinded me for a moment. Was this my hero? Finally rescuing me! I blinked and cracked a smile. Only for it to droop, their was the devil himself. Roger. He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe.

   "So your mother is at work."

   "She's no mother of mine." I was suprised that I was able to keep a dialoge going.

   "Well she's gone, meaning there's no one hear to hear your scream. So i can have my way with you." His smile just was so evil. The devil himself would bow down to it.

  My blood ran cold, was he gonna hit me? Rape me? I swallowed, which was suprisingly hard. "Leave m-m-me alone!" I whispered. He moved fast, my eyes couldn't even follow his trace. I felt the hand on my cheek's sqeezing. Bruises would most likely show. His hot breath was on my face, it smelled. I tried to gag but was forced not to. "Like I said girl, DON'T cross me AGAIN!" He shoved my head back, then sniffed at me. Like i was that much of a bother. If you don't want me here than why kidnap me? Right out of my car, bloodied and broken?!? He pulled a chair I hadn't seen right beside me.

  "Okay Annabella, where's the lowlife father huh? Where IS HE?" His tone grew angrier and louder.

   "HE'S the lowlife? you're the one that kidnapped a 16 year old girl. I already told you, I DON'T KNOW!."

   "Bullshit Annabella!" He stared dead at me.

   "Look he got....agressive with Lylia so I grabbed our stuff and left." I stared right back.

   "Oh, so you didn't sneak on your own property and try to recollect your stuff?"

   "I.....I never said that." My voice whavered.

   "We have you on camera, the one you busted. Was the only real visible one. We watched your clever escape. Did you really think we were that stupid?"

   "Yes, yes I did." I felt another sting of a slap on my face. Ouch.

    "Come on Bella, tell us where Lylia is then. We KNOW you know where she's at." Roger's voice was chillingly calm.  I didn't dare speak, no way in hell would he get me to rat on Lylia.

   "You know, if you tell us where Lylia is. We'll get you to a REAL hospital. Where we can get you some help." He touched my arm, I jerked it away. I did need medicine though.

  "Of course Lylia is the prettier one, the more valuable one. Our focus was her at first, but you kept getting in the way." He shook his head and paused. He damaged eye look terrible in the harsh light. "So to get to her, we came after you. We thought that she would be in the car as well. We thought you just want to get away. Full on adreniline. Never thought you'd lead us on a goose chase."

  I glared, I know I wasn't special, I was too average. okay at sports, okay at looks. But this was just insulting! I wasn't  even good enough to kidnap. That just hurt my self esteem. I refused to speak, I just turned my head When finally he got up. I thought he would probably come to play "bad cop" again. Instead he scooped me up, I tried to struggle as much as possible, which was useless. He carried me into a family room. It was very bland, yet so mom. With mint green walls, white furniture. Well, white everything else. he sat me down on the couch in a uncomfortable position. I sat up and tried to repostion myself, but he just looked at me and glared. So I stopped, I was too tired to argue. He turned on the T.V  to a already recorded news cast. I started to get nervous.

   He fast forwarded to where their was a picture of the accident. My accident. Yellow poilice tape surrounded it. My blood turned to ice. He pressed play and it started;

    There was a car acciendent just outside lamb road, Lexington. No victims were found, yet it seems that they have crawled through the roof somehow. Doctors say that this accident could be fatal or could lead to life-threating injuries. The car seems to be rejistured under the name of Annabella Monroe. A Sophmore at Salisbury High School. We go to talk to her sister to find out details. Her father is no where to be seen. The blonde reporters face vanished and turned into Lylia's poor, tear stained face. "Your Lylia Monroe correct?" Lylia nodded her head, red hair strands streaked across her face. "Do you have any Idea where your sister might be at this very moment/" Lylia answered softly. "No I have no idea, we were at the mall and she drove me home. I haven't seen her since." Lylia looked dead at the camera and mouth "I Love you." It was so quick I almost didn't catch it.

   Roger paused the video and looked at me. His cold eyes looked dead to me. I continued to stare at the screen. Refusing to say a word. I could see where this is gonna go for Lylia and I. See when too people commit a crime, and they are interogated, One usually spills and blames the other person. And they go on so forth. Trying to cover themselfs. The best situation when Both people just keep quiet. "Silence is golden" they say. Even though Lylia and I didn't do anything, we were following that method. We were protecting each other. Not revealing anything. Even to the people who could harm her....Us. For the fear of revealiing to much. To the wrong person. So, I remained silent.

   "Where is that house Annabella?" His voice came in a whisper. I shook my head. He jumped up, his patience gone completly. This man definatly had issues. Anger issues. He grabbed my shirt and shook me. Screaming and asking me where it was. I looked into his eyes, they were vacant. Glazed over. As if he didn't realize what he was doing. It gave me the courage not to scream. He only got angerier at that  He then took me back to the basement room. He opened the door and threw me in. My hip made a sickening pop, it made me disoritented and want to scream for mercy. He slammed the door and left me there in darkness. I prayed to God for relief. For sleep, he granted me just that.

                                                    So much for Day 2.

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