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He didn't come for a few days. I heard Mom screaming at him, appearantly, I caused him to get angry and trash the place. They would slip 2 glasses of water and some bread under the door and left. Expecting me to crawl for it, I eventually that to. I found my purpose to live, but honestly, I don't think I ever lost it.

Lylia, she was all I could think about. Plus I wanted to grow up, get married, start a family. I wanted my family to be perfect, no affairs, no alcohol. So I used these goals to motivate me. Oh my hip hurt badly, but it's worth ignoring. It made a sickening POP everytime I twisted. I devoured my bread and water, not thinking when my next meal might be...... or when it might be. I didn't  care, why should I? I was probably gonna die anyway. Seriously would you want to live? Your family sucks, you have so much on your sholders and your 16! Maybe Lylia would survive living with Niall and Hally. I'm sure she would love it. I thought about this a while longer. I crawled back into my bed, the popping intensifyed. I ignore it, what did it matter. I turned my head torward the side of the wall. Something was buldging out of the wall? What is that? It looked like a window pane. Which was impossible, well, not really because everytime Roger came into this room. I never focused on my surroundings. Just a way to escape. There's no way I could stand up, or reach, the lightbulb. I would have to try. It gave me a slimmer of hope, all the doubt I had earlier. Gone. I found my reason to survive again. Dang, I think I'm bipolar. My whole life is bipolar. Then again......isn't everyone's? I let my eyes' ajust a while longer before I found the string that attaches to the light bulb.

  I would have to find someway to be able to build some kind of ladder, or jump somehow. Maybe there were boxes around? I could stack those and then jump on the bed? It would hurt, it would hurt a lot. What if they heard me and completly left me stranded? Alone. Was if worth it? I felt my hope depleating, slowly. Like a balloon slowly being released of air. I held onto the last of it. I will fight, I will fight. I.WILL.FIGHT. I slowly tried to put the bed in the center of the room, I got on the floor an pushed the bedpost. I had to be quiet or else.....the unthinkable. When I was sure that it was centered, I slowly, oh ever so gradually straightened my spine. Then my knees. My joints were stiff, my muscles aching. but what choice did I have. I stumbled to walk over and feel around for boxes. This WAS a basement, now turned into my prison. Anyway they have to have SOME storage. somewhere. I finally felt a corner as I brushed by. It felt...plastic...cardboard? My senses are so off at the moment, I have no idea what anything feels like!

   I felt all around the box to measure it's size, it was just barely big enough to cover my curvey body. Just barely. I placed the box on the bed and tried to climb up. The pain, was almost blackening. I can barely see my hand in front of my face, let alone adding this pain. I was in complete, utter darkness for like 10 seconds. I know what your thinking, wow 10 SECONDS! Well you try having a broken hip, walking around WITHOUT treatment. Then try to climb up a bed and having to jump. Of course...I haven't jumped yet. I will though. I have to.

  So after I got over my 10 SECONDS OF PAIN I stood up and put both feet on the box. It didn't even sink, or bend in anyway. Wow, either I've lost weight or this box is made of some serious steel. I took a deep breath and jumped. I felt my hand catch something, I quickly grabbed hold of it and yanked. That's when I felt myself slip, My hand ran down the side of the rope as I felt myself fall. It was very fast, I didn't even feel much. I remember, hitting the ground, no pain. At first. I tried to get up, but my whole body was aching with pain now. Especialy my sholder now. Gah I'm so clumsy, can't do a damn thing right. I lay there thinking about my options, I then remembered how Roger how ears like a hawk. I froze, listening for footsteps or talking. Basicly any signs of life, I heard nothing, it was a silent as the night should be. At least I think it was night? I looked up noticing (finally) the glare of light. As my eyes focused, I noticed that in my extreme attempt of doing something useful; I had succeeded! I smiled in gratitude, glad that the pain was wirth something. I looked around and tried to think of a new plan. Before the game ends, because I only have one life. 

One valuable precious life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2012 ⏰

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