Chapter two: I can try to hate him

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"Hi Taylor" I said with a fake smile.

"It was nice seeing you Aisha and I'll see you tonight babe". She gave me a polite smile, kissed Parker on the cheek and then left.

"You guys are a cute couple" I lied.

"Thanks, she's absolutely the best. I love her." My eyes widened and I choked on my own saliva. Did he just say he loved her?

" her?" I stuttered. All along, I just thought she was some fling but boy was I wrong. Okay I really need to get over this gorgeous boy.

"Yeah but don't go telling people that cause I haven't really told her yet."'

"Oh" I whispered. But I didn't care, all I could think about was how he loves her. HE LOVES HER!!

"I should stop bragging. Have you got anyone special in your life?' He asked.


"Nah not really" I fibbed.


Once I had entered my house, I practically ran to my bedroom. I jumped on my bed and I cried. I cried because the person I'm falling for loves someone else and it's not me, it'll never be. I spent all night trying to get him out of my stupid mind but everything just came back to him. "HE LOVES HER, IT'S OVER. GET OVER HIM!" A voice in my mind screamed. I couldn't take it anymore so I dialed Violet to make me feel better.

"Aisha, what's wrong?" She said sounding worried.

"How'd you know?" I asked.

"I know everything, I'll be there in five"

"Hey Violet?"


"Thank you"



"Hey I've got an idea!" Violet suggested.

"No! For the last time, I''m not going to kill anyone!" She slapped my arm which made me groan in pain.

"Ow, what was that for?" I asked while rubbing my arm.

"This might work!"

"Well what are you waiting for then, tell me"

"You can hate him"

"Excuse me? Violet, you know I can never hate that boy. He's perfect!" I admitted.

"You can try." She protested. "Just think of him like poo or like he's really mean and you hate him to bits!" I sighed audibly. This is way too hard. But if it results in me not liking him then maybe I should give it a try.

"Let's start now, name some things you hate about him." She began.

"HE'S SO GORGEOUS AND BEAUTIFUL AND RIDICULOUSLY PERFECT!"I ranted. I let let out a breath I didn't even know i was holding.

"This is gonna be a long ride" Violet groaned.


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