Chapter seven: Double date?

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"Rise and shine Aisha!" My mum greeted. She pulled the curtains letting the blinding sunshine illuminate my room. I could just tell it was going to be a scorching day.   

"Arhggg! 5 more minutes." I complained as I hugged my blanket tighter and over my head to block the sunlight. My evil mum yanked the covers off me leaving me shivering from the sudden coldness.

"Mum!" I growled.

"Wake up sweetie or else you'll be late for school." She explained. 

"Fine." I agreed. 

I headed downstairs and into the kitchen to see that my mum had already made me my favourite breakfast, pancakes. I love my mum.

"Eat up, honey' She urged. I took a big bite and heaven was in my mouth. 

"I LOVE YOU MUM!" I yelled but it came out muffled because I was stuffing pancakes down my throat.  I finished my breakfast, kissed my mum goodbye and off to school I went. I was dreading today, I was still traumatized from the previous dates.


"Now I want you to work in pairs and practise the conversations with each other in german." Miss Akerman told. Violet and I looked at each other almost instantly, mentally aksing if we wanted to be pairs together. 

"Now go find your partners" Miss Arkerman added. I ran to Violet and let out a huge puff of air. She held both her hands up and I high-fived them and we were both grinning like idiots because we didn't want to be partners with anyone else

I saw Parker walking up to Miss Akerman from my peripheral vision. I couldn't quite hear what he was saying and suddenly he started walking in our direction. I silently gulped as he was headed our direction but fortunately he walked behind me. YAS! What I missed was that he grabbed a chair from behind and sat between Violet and I.

"Umm not to be rude or anything, but what are you doing here?' Violet asked.

"Everyone was already in pairs so Miss Akerman told me to join you guys." Parker explained. I found that hard to believe considering that everyone loved him and would literally die if he asked to be in pairs with them but I kept my mouth shut and simply nodded.

There was an awkward silence where we didn't know what to say or do because no-one pays attention to German so Parker decided to fill the silence and ask "So uhh, how was your weekend?" 

'Aren't we suppose to practise conversations in German?" I questioned. 

"Let's face the facts, no-one pays to German" He stated as a matter of fact. Violet and I chuckled because it was true.


"So, how was your weekend' Parker repeated.  I completely ignored his question and pretended like he hadn't ask such a thing.  Violet, on the other hand answered "My weekend was boring. Aisha's, however was quite the story" She smiled cheekily.

"How so?" Parker asked. He genuinely looked as if he was interested. He looked hot. STOP IT! I did not say that. 

"Well for starters, she went on two dates in two days!" She blurted. I mentally gasped and shot her a glare. In return, she smiled innocently. 

I grabbed her shoulders and yanked her under the table where Parker couldn't hear. 

"What was that?!" I spat.

"Make him jealous" That was all she said before she sat next to Parker and continued with the story.


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