Chapter ten: Regret is the worst pain of all

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Matt's Pov

The plan was simple, make Parker jealous. But for some strange reason, it seemed like there was more to that. The thought of Aisha and me dating made my heart race with excitement, revenge and lust. I knew she had the hots for Parker so I had to make her see inside all those thick layers of fake qualities he uses to lure girls. I hate it. I hate how he ALWAYS gets the girl. He has every girl falling for him, literally. I think once I saw a junior faint because he looked at her. I'm known as " the puppy who follows the king" I'm sick of it. How am I supposed to make her hate him?

I was walking aimlessly and thinking deeply about this when suddenly someone bumped into me.

"Watch it!" Taylor spat. There's my answer...Taylor. 

I grabbed her by the arm and led her to the janitor's closet. 

"Ow, let me go! Get off me!" She yelled. I shoved her inside and shut the door with a loud "BANG!" 

"I need your help" I pleaded.

"What makes you think I'm gonna help you after you kidnap me and shove me in a closet, huh?!" She grumbled.

"Good point, however this will benefit both of us" I pointed out. "Aisha has the hots for your boyfriend-"

"I KNEW IT!" She interjected.

"And I have the hots for Aisha, so the plan is, you help me get Aisha and in return you get Parker."

"That's a stupid plan." She stated bluntly. "I already have Parker, why do you even like her? She's a spoiled, ugly brat."

"I only want to know if she's easy, plus I have a plan with Aisha, we're gonna pretend to date so we can make Parker jealous, then we'll bond and we'll be together."  

"Then why do you need me?" She asked.

"I just need you to distract Parker"

"Consider it done. But once you sleep with her, you BREAK HER HEART!!" She demanded using her hands to emphasize the crushing.

So now, I got Taylor to distract Parker, Aisha will see and be upset and then I swoop in like the hero I am and take advantage of her. Seems simple enough.

Aisha was right, I am double crossing her.


Aisha's Pov

Okay he's here. Here I go.

"Hey baby" I said flirtatiously as I stood on my tippy toes and kissed Matt on the cheek.

"Hey" He smiled at me with those dreamy eyes. He slowly kissed my jaw and made his way up to the corner of my lips. I could see from my peripheral vision that Parker couldn't see us so I crashed my lips unto Matt's and wrapped my arms around his neck, gently tugging onto his hair.  I let a moan escape my mouth and Parker was still putting his books in his locker. I pulled away and we were both panting. Matt was either a good actor or he was really enjoying himself because he wasn't done yet, he starting kissing my neck which gave me a better view of Parker. He was about to turn around and see us when out of nowhere, Taylor comes, grabs his collar and starts sucking on his face. She placed her hands on his shoulder and spins so her back is against the locker. She kissed his neck and looks up at me and winks.

She winked at me!

 She's doing that on purpose to get me jealous. I tried to play it cool and seem as if i'm not affected but deep down, my heart was being trampled on by Taylor wearing 6 inch heels.

Why would I think this would work?

I pull away from Matt and walk outside to get some fresh air. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shinning brightly, the grass was a vibrant green and the milky clouds looked fluffy and white. I sat on a patch of grass trying to forget my problems and think about the less fortunate who have bigger problems then I did. Something was blocking my sunshine and I look up to see Matt. I use my hands to cover the blinding sun and ask "What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to check if you're okay" He explains.

"I'm fine now thanks" I say sweetly. He sits next to me and we stay silent for the next minute. The silence is comforting and he puts a hand on my back and starts rubbing in a  reassuring way. He works his way up to my neck and then to my cheek. He slowly moves his face closer to mine and kisses me. I pull back almost instantly and scoot back a few steps.

"What are you doing? Parker's not here" I said.

"He's right there" He replies pointing to someone behind me." Before I can see for myself, he kisses me and I did something ridiculously stupid. I pretended that he was Parker and I kissed him with every ounce of passion I had in me. And that is something I will always regret.

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