stupid deal breakers

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To my love,
I was thinking to myself how odd the small list of my deal breakers are. So, I want to just, write them down for you. It's even put from most important to I could maybe deal, if it's with you. Maybe. So, here it goes, my stupid deal breakers.
1. Not keeping a clean bathroom. Now, I know it's hard to keep a clean bathroom with a family all around, but still. It's supposed to be a clean ace, isn't it? You go there to get clean, so how can someone live with it dirty? Just to specify, I mean, toilet and sink are wiped down more than once a month. Also, no strong bad odor emitting from it, and toilet paper, please have it actually be on the holder if there is a holder. Otherwise, what's the point of the holder? Also, a not overflowing trash. I feel like it's a reasonable enough ask, but still, I do know some people who let it overflow until it's smelly and takes up half the bathroom. It's disgusting. I can only hope you're a better person than that.
2. You must be okay with experimental food. I love to cook, and I do toss questionable ideas together, so you have to always keep an open mind. Like putting curry powder in a veggie soup broth. I'm guessing you couldn't tell in the udon soup I made. I hope you didn't at least. That or the Kale and other random veggies and health foods that are in there. While I might accidentally burn everything I bake or mess it up at some point, my improv is very nice in normal cooking. So if someone wasn't good with that, it's a deal breaker.
3. Cuddles. I won't ask too much for them, but I'd always appreciate it. I've been everyone's personal heater all my life, I love to be hugged and cuddled but, shhh, can't admit it now can I? So, if you weren't here for it, I'm sorry, we'd have to end it.
4. If you don't want pets please leave. That's pretty close to final.
5. Can you, steal my hoodies and clothes? So I can steal them back and wear them and smell like you all day? I'm not weird, I'm just, weird.
6. Okay, this might be, just might be accepted, on the off chance you're an amazing person and I love you too much. But, if you don't like the rain, you should see it. It's beautiful. You should smell it, it's amazing. Seriously dude, smell the air after rain, it's like a slight, scent to it and not to mention the brightness of everything around. It's the best thing ever, rain.
So, my weird deal breakers. I feel like most would be, many other things, expecially for first and most important. But let me be weird about bathrooms and we're all fine. I think, you haven't hit any deal breakers yet, still don't know your bathroom cleanliness standards though so... If it's bad I'm sorry bro. We can't be boyfriend's anymore. I love you, and I expect more from you though, so hopefully you're clean enough.

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