To my love,
As we text, I look to what we send back and forth and realize one small thing. When we're messaging in parentheses, you always do it at the beginning, and I always do it at the end (now if it's the right parentheses for the spot, can be a little less perfect but that one is on me) When I see that, it looks like we're completing eachother. As though we each have half the notation inside, and together, it's finally complete.Now, I'm sure there's some history to why you do it at the beginning, and I'd love to be regailed by the tale. But sadly I don't believe you're able to just, edit this chapter and tell me. As you know by now, hopefully, I have a story or song for everything, including this, though, it leads me to a very different story than the one that explains this. Rather than talk about the parentheses, I'll go on about the part that stands out, the perfect balance there.
You see, I'm a writer. I love creating, to sit down and do sometimes different and new. I love to sing, even if I think I sound terrible, it's still fun. As for completing things, I know myself to start and not finish all the way. It is a problem, but that's being taken care of. Still, I wrote a song what feels like a lifetime ago. When writing it, I was in the middle of the worst. When writing down lyrics, I wanted every lyric to mean something. I love it still, one of my top favorite songs, but it was never truly complete. How it originally ended, it ended on the idea of being, empty, alone, hurting, and drowning in sorrow. I've made tweaks more recently, to give it better sound and a much nicer end, though it still barely ends. Now it just ends on a note of void nothingness, a forgotten cry for help. But, I've recently taken to finally "finishing" the song. Now the thing is, I'm not making a better ending, or bringing it full-circle as that's not how life went. I rather, picked up again to make a new song, mirroring the ideas, sound and fundamentals of the first, but changing it slightly. So you take the story of a lost and broken person, crying for help but always crawling back to the same place, and now things have changed. Now we see as this person moves on, still haunted by the idea of the past. Still, it ends on a rather solemn note, but it's also finishing the idea. The acceptance of the past being the past. It's made a better end than anything else could. It just takes some patience, and some thought before finally being okay. When I wrote the first part, it was with someone else. We worked on it together. I wrote the lyrics for the most part, but she created it into a beauty sound. She never helped me finish it, she only helped me start it. While, I look at you and I know where the end will be. I look at you and there's the true closure. Without you, it's incomplete. It's just a sad song. But with you, it turns into something almost beautiful. It's still haunting and sad, but it's beautiful.
All of that to say, I've tried to make a whole out of half. And your half, is exactly what I never knew I needed. While it means nothing really that we happen to use different parentheses that somehow compliment eachother, it also means more than the world. You're my muse, and more than my friend. You're the other half to my soul, the part that was missing since forever, the part that helps create something good. I love you, and I will forever appreciate every day you love me too.
Letters to My Love
RomansaA collection of, who knows what. It's the story, the reality, the history of a love. It's pieces, fragments of a romance. It's the Letters to my Love. The world is so big, and somehow I met you. You changed my life, and showed me what I never knew...