Hello, my fellow readers! OMG! I can't beleive it has been like, 5 months? seriously, im so inconsideratre.. but anyway, I;m back! I;ve just been uber busy with school and family and hoolagin-ish things like that. ANYWHO, this is not about my life story, but instead helping you guys to become awsome writers. So, shall we get started?
As you can see from the title, today we're going to be talking about titles. (lol at my pun.) Now lets be honest, coming up with a title is NOT an easy task, and to be frank, will be one of the most pressuring decisions of your life! Just kidding, but coming up with a title is something you have to spend time on!
As with your cover, the title is one of the main things that draws the reader in, right? If the title makes the reader interested, well then of course they're going to read on! For example. if the title of your story is 'Falling for Harry Styles - A Match In Heaven' (sigh), well then OBVIOUSLY, One Direction fans (and might I say there are many) will be thinking 'omg one direction fanfic omg omg! *girly scream*', just because it has something to do with One Direction in the name, who many people would be interested in readign about, especially a love story.
But if your story has NOTHING to do with pop culture, and you're worried that people won't read your story because it doesn't have anything to do with boys, romance, and all the other stuff teen girls go crazy about, you MUST make sure you have a semi-appealing cover, and a catchy title!
Make sure your title is interesting, and try and have a double meaning to it. Even a straight out statement will work, as it draws people into seeing the extra details. E.g 'Finding Love in a Coffee Shop' (Used from XxSkater2Girl16xX 's story) - it's interesting, quirky, and a statement that gets you asking questions like 'A Coffee Shop? Why a coffee shop?'. Also, Stories with a short and snappy title like 'Imagining Frost' (Used from katrocks247's story) and 'The Accedental Tourists' (used from ToastedBagels' story) to me sound like interesting, quirky stories with an intriguing plot to go with. This is just my opinion, but I find those titles interesting. Like with 'Finding Love in a Coffee Shop', it gets you asking questions like 'Hmm, I wonder what that title means?' and makes the reader find out more about the story.
If you're struggling to come up with a title that works, check out other successful writers and kind of style they use for their titles. Short and snappy, catchy, one word, a statement. I'm not saying you shoudl copy these authors titles, but instead find inspiration on what kind of titles catch people's attentions. Check out people's stories who are writing in the same category as you, and see what kind of title they use.
As I said in my Tip section, about your title being a statement, make sure you don't make it too long! (Well, excluding me! This is a non-fiction) You want to give the reader a snippet of what the story is going to be about, not the whole plot! E.g 'The day I realised my brother was a vampire and he was the monster killing the whole town.' Okay well, now I know EXACTLY what's going to happen, thankyou very much. Some Writers choose to have titles this long, as a way of getting the reader more interested in what's happening in their story, but I think using the title before putting the 'and' (The day I found out my brother was a vampire) is long enough to explain what the story is about, and will definently catch vampire fan's attention.
Okay well, I think that wraps things up! ugh, already sunday. :/ This is so depressing, I feel as though the weekend just started! But I;'m glad I got to put this up, and hopefully it will help people struggling with their story! I'll try and post another time this week, so please leave me your feedback, vote or whatever else! Untill then, have a nice week!
Tips, Tricks & Cautions to Becoming Wattpad's Most Wanted!
NonfiksiHaving trouble finding ideas for your story? Want to get your name out so people will read your story? Think your characters need more..character? Well your in luck! Here's a guide full of Tips, Tricks and Cautions for Newcomers, Oldcomers and anyon...