Names and Numbers

70 4 1

Aizawa's POV Still

My tired eyes narrow at the man in front of me.

Before I speak however, I logically reason in my mind.

After a little while, I come to the conclusion that he wants me to take care of the child because we don't know their quirk.
Putting a child with an unknown quirk out in the foster care system would definitely be a bad idea.
That, coupled up with the facts that as far as we know, they were raised in the NGESF and we do not know their triggers.

Say something triggers the kid and they go out of control, I'm the only one who could shut down their quirk.

The tired-looking black haired man in front of me sighs and runs his hands through his silky short black hair, messing it up even further than it had been before.

It is then that I really take a look at his features; his usually well taken care of and gelled hair looks rough and unkempt, there are heavy bags under his eyes and all in all he looks as tired as we've all been feeling like this past few months working on this case.

We stay in relative silence... none of us in the room saying a word; both Tsukauchi and I consumed by our own thoughts.

I do not want to sacrifice the time I could use to do other things to take care of a kid that doesn't even know the basics of human society, but I doubt I have a choice.

It is the most logical decision to take.

With another sigh, I stand up, turning to the kid sitting on the metal chair right next to me.

Knowing I don't have a choice and I'm sure Tsukauchi knows too, I gesture to the kid.

"Kid, what's your name? I can't keep calling you kid." I ask already knowing their name, but I also want to know what they've been calling them.
Maybe it could be an important clue to figuring out the case.

"My name is E 5.671"

"That's not it." I say to which the kid- Aiko tilts their head in confusion.

"What you just said is an identification number, not a name", I start, already feeling a need to drop down and sleep knowing I'll have to do this for a while, "A name is a word or group of words which other people call you by, that you could use to identify yourself." I explain, "Your name is Iris Aiko."

"Iris Aiko." Aiko says slowly as if testing it. With a furrow of their brows, they turn to me, "then, can you call me Aiko?"

I slowly put my hand on their head and ruffle their very soft and silky sunset colored hair awkwardly.

"It's a done deal kid."

The kid looks confused at my words, but I don't explain any further for now.

The dark-eyed man opposite me beams at me and I blink.
What the hell is with flowers and glitter appearing out of nowhere?!

"And what is your name Mr.?"

"Aizawa Shouta. You can call me either Aizawa or Shouta." I reply with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Now, let's go."

They immediately start pushing themselves off the chair and as their little legs get closer and closer to the floor, they do a little hop, landing on their feet, back perfectly straight.

I tuck both chairs in, under the cool metal table; the metal chairs making an unpleasant and horrible screeching sound against white tiles.

I give Tsukauchi a nod of my head in a way to say 'I'll keep in touch'.

Heading out of the door and with a glance over my shoulder, with the kid- uh Aiko- I'll have to remember that- on my heels we start the walk outside.

As we pass a few wooden and glass doors, I take notice that the once vibrant child is silent, their sunset coloured hair covering their face.

A pang of something akin to worry stabs me in the heart.... though I will never admit it out loud.
"Hey, kid.... what's wrong?"

"I was just wondering why I am called by an identification number and not a name." They squeeze the area where their heart is slightly, scrunching up the hospital-like-gown they're still wearing.

I stop walking completely. Not turning to Aiko, I place my hand on his head awkwardly ruffling his hair again.

"I don't know Aiko, but the most important thing is that you have a name now."

"Ok." They say and with that there is a bounce on their step once again.

We continue our walk through popcorn dull-gray walls and every once in a while, Aiko stops to stare at something in wonder.

I give a small explanation for everything they ask about.

Glancing at the kid, who is once again admiring an AC; small hands in front of themselves towards the cool air coming from the machine and awe on their face; I let a small smile grace my face.

Maybe looking after them won't be so bad after all.

We finally make our way out of the station and into the cool night air.
We walk in silence until-
"Mr. what's that?" The kid- Oh right- Aiko asks, finger pointing at a building in the far distance.


I start, starting my tour around Japan again unbidden.

I pause for a little while to hail a cab, since we already missed the last train. We both get on and I continue where I left off.

(A/N: U-umm... s-sorry for t-the l-long chapter. I-I just r-really wanted to g-get this o-out. S-so that w-we'll move on w-with the s-story. Umm... r-remember to s-share and c-coment!)

(E/N: U-ummm I'm p-pretty sure that p-people would l-like long c-chapters and p-please do v-vote and c-comment)

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