Domestic- Aizawa??

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Aizawa's POV stiiiilll

(Cookie-san: A-ah... I should probably c-change t-the POV's soon)

"That's our stop." I say, pointing at a building a block away. 

The driver-whose name we were told was Namikasa- looked at the excited and vibrating child next to me in the rearview mirror, then me, as if to say 'really?'

I resist the sudden urge to roll my eyes.

It was to be expected.

This was not the first time people assumed I was a homeless man or hoodlum. Now, with me taking care of Aiko, it's going to be extra wierd.

Huh. I never thought I would see the day.

Aizawa Shota and a kid...

.. It still sounds weird though.

I mean, I had to put my license on display constantly because civilians and police alike were unsure of why a 'homeless man with a scarf' was going around fighting villains. Heck, even villains were confused at first.

I refuse to be salty about them calling my capture weapon a scarf, no way.

(Cinna-san: 🤣🤣🤣)

After a while, our taxi slows to a stop in front of a small apartment complex with about 4 or 5 floors, in a slightly less desirable part of town.

It can't be helped. I'm one of the few heroes that patrols these areas.

I turn to the energetic looking driver with horn ears and nod at him appreciatively after paying.

Opening the door, I gesture to Aiko to get out of the taxi. Luckily, the kid understands and slides out of the taxi, with me right behind them, my eyelids feeling slightly heavier than usual.

We stay standing in the frigid cool night air for a while, until the taxi disappears from sight.

At that, we start walking to our actual apartment complex, four buildings away.

"Aiko, follow me and stay close." I say, going completely alert in case of any sign of danger.

"Okay!" The small kid chirps and our walk starts up once more as the kid almost literally sticks to my side reminding me of a little kitten staying as close as they could to warmth.

I will forever deny that I thought the action was cute.

(Cinna-san: looks like dadzawa might be a bit of a tsun tsun,he's in denial😏)

The kid was still looking at everything and everyone with wide and curious eyes.

"Kid, are you feeling cold?" I ask and they only look up at me, blinking with owlish eyes, as if not expecting the question.

"No? Not really. My quirk enables me to always feel warm."

I nod in understanding, deciding to make our trip to the building a little faster so that the small kid wouldn't feel even a little cold. I don't say anything when they snuggle a little bit more to my side, restraining myself from asking about the kid's quirk.

I'll find out soon anyway.

When we enter the building, I glance down at Aiko to see their eyes sparkling in achievement. I squint at the brightness of my smaller companion.

"Did I pass?" Aiko asks, still somehow bright and energetic.

How is this kid still hyperactive this late at night?

Wait- what?

"...Pass what?" I ask back, feeling slightly confused.

"The test!" They answered back still excited.



My mind races, thinking of all the 'tests' the kid had probably been through. I shake those thoughts out of my mind as quickly as they came.

The most logical thing to do would be to answer yes. I don't know what would happen if I don't and we are in a public area.

"....Yes." I say, gesturing to the kid to walk in front of me, so that I can see them in case of more danger.

Eventually, we just end up walking together again, since they just keep stopping to look at random things and people; like the receptionist who never seems to need sleep and the rusty old mailbox on the base floor.

We stop to pick up my apartment keys from 'my' special box behind the receptionist who is gently smiling at the young child beside me. The kid is still vibrating with excitement, though it is not as pronounced as before.

Probably tired.

We walk up two flights of stairs and down the corridor. Two doors away from my apartment door, I take out my keys from my sweatpants' pocket; using it to unlock the black door that leads into my apartment. I push open the newly unlocked door.

From the corner of my eyes I can see the kid's eyes widen, looking around as if to take in everything. With how intense they look, it's as if they're trying to take in information by just looking at all the no doubt 'new' objects all over the house that are not even much.

The apartment has a minimalistic design, with only the minimally needed furniture. There wouldn't have even been a T.V or personal touches, but Nemuri and Hizashi wouldn't let me have peace until they were applied.

I may never get why people would want to add personal touches anyway. It's just a house out of many one may use in their lives.

I sigh.

"Follow me." I say walking into the extra room that is in this surprisingly big apartment.

"Kid, first off, you need a bath and a change of clothes because you can't keep wearing that... gown."

They look down at the light blue gown- they have been wearing since only God knows how long-  confused and tilts their head.

"It's the clothes you were rescued in. Doesn't it feel uncomfortable with the burned and dirty parts of the gown?"

They look at me, slowly nodding their head.....





...and begin to strip.

(Cinna-san:......well that's an oddly suggestive cliffhanger ಠ_ಠ🙃🙃)

(Cookie-san; No, Cinna. Just, no. (o ‵-′)ノ"(ノ﹏<。))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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