In My World

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"Come on boys! Only one more lap!" The coach grunted at Seungri and Daesung

Seungri wasn't 100% sure how Daesung convinced him to join the running club with him but after 3 weeks of going he regretted the choice. The pair jogged along together at least 50m behind everyone else.

Only 1 more lap, I can do this

"I'm gonna run ahead now, ok?" Daesung, the fitter of the two, huffed and puffed as he quickened his pace.

Unlike Seungri he was actually a fairly good runner. Daesung could go for a few miles with ease whilst Seungri struggled to complete this 1200m they were expected to run today.

Damn you Daesung! Why did I let you convince me to join?

Seungri continued to curse Daesung continued as he plodded along. His steps getting heavier as he felt less and less motivated to move at all. 300m left to go.

"Come on Seungri! Sprint the last 300m!" The coach screamed across the track

Everyone, including Daesung, had finished their laps and were cooling down by this point. Just like every other time he'd gone to the training sessions, Seungri was the last on the track and still had quite a lot to run still.

It's just you and me body. Don't fail me now.

He quickened his pace. Imagining himself as a criminal with the police chasing him with guns. Within a mere thirty seconds Seungri was at the finish line, drenched in sweat and bleating.

"10 minutes, 40 seconds Seungri, you could have done better." The coach muttered

Hunched over breathless, Seungri tightly squeezed the spare skin on his grotesque knees closing his eyes tightly, trying to ignore banging headache that he had coming on. He didn't want to either vomit or faint right now, not in front of all the proper athletes. Someone held a water battle in front of his face and Seungri took it, glugging down every last drop in the bottle letting out a satisfied 'Ahh' as he finished.

Did this come from God's personal tap or something?

Seungri's throat closed up slightly and he began coughing some of his breakfast back up.

This is why I don't exercise

The man who donated his bottle began to, somewhat violently, smack Seungri on the back a few times until the coughing fit had ended and he could breathe properly again.

"Are you alright?" The man asked

His voice was angelic and soft, one Seungri had never heard before.

"I'm fine thanks to you. Sorry I drank all your water." Seungri apologised and he handed the bottle back

"It's fine. You looked like you needed it."

Seungri straightened up and looked at the man for the first time. The thing that stared back at him was not expected. It had straightened blonde hair, shockingly white teeth and piercing eyes.

Holy shit. He's gorgeous.

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