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the killing game


"It seems your presence has been detected." Zero announced through Mayfeld's com. "Redirecting security alert away from your position."

Mayfeld growled angrily as we followed him to the control room's locked barrier. "Z, open the door!"

"But I'm detecting and organic signature--"

"Yeah, okay!" Mayfeld exclaimed impatiently. "Alright, just open the door!"

Just then, the barrier opened up, and we all began rushing inside of the control room. But that's when I noticed that there was a New Republic soldier, sitting on a chair near the control panel. He turned around and quickly stood up, pointing his blaster at us.

"Stop! J-Just stop right there." He stuttered as his hands shook in fear. Burg and Mando held up their blasters in defense. The soldier continued, "You put your blasters down right now."

Everyone, except for me and Mando, dismissed the soldier and continued on with their way inside the control room.

Mayfeld gave the soldier an evil smile, "Nice shoes."

"Put down your blasters..!" The soldier moved his head around to keep track of everyone. He was.. terrified. Mayfeld kept walking around the soldier as the gang laughed.

"Matches his belt."

"Hey," I scoffed, slowly walking into the room with Mando by my side. "There were only supposed to be droids on this ship."

"Hang on, hang on, let's see here.." Mayfeld rolled his eyes, going through the control panel's classified information. "Uh, Cell 221."

"Wait," The soldier narrowed his eyes down on my lightsaber's hilt. I lowered my blaster down as he stammered, "You're.. you're a Jedi?"

I felt a wash of grief fall over my face. I placed my free hand over my lightsaber's hilt, "I.."



I opened my eyes as I fell onto the ground, landing on my back. I groaned in pain, sitting up while placing a hand on my back. I stared up at the person who had called me.

"Master Yoda."

"Hmm.. busy, were you?" He nodded, making his way over to me as he stabbed me in the back with his cane. I winced in pain, nodding.


"Not training? Hmm?"

"No.." I sighed, sitting down on a nearby rock. "I was just fixing something."

"A lightsaber, I see," He replied, picking up the lightsaber's hilt. "Beskar."

"Yeah, I had a whole bunch stashed inside my bag," I ran a hand through my hair. "Don't recall ever going to Mandalore for this stuff."

Master Yoda nodded, placing the hilt in the palm of my hands. "Special, it is."

I tilted my head, "All I did was fix it with a bit of Beskar.. there was a tiny scratch and--"

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