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planet sorgan


"Stop touching things." Mando said as the child pressed some buttons on the control panel.

That's when the ship began to shake uncontrollably. Mando immediately turned off a switch, which stopped the ship from shaking, before grabbing the child and placing him on his lap; ignoring me.

"Let's see.. Sorgan." Mando began talking to himself, looking at the ship's map. "Looks like there's no star port, no industrial centers, no population density.. real backwater skug hole. Which means it's perfect for us."

Mando turned to look down at the child, "You ready to lay low and stretch your legs for a couple of months, you little womp rat? Nobody's gonna find us here."

Throughout the rest of the ride to Sorgan, Mando and I didn't speak a word to each other. The only time we would even glance at one another was when the child would coo. Otherwise, the ride was completely silent. Once we landed on the planet, Mando placed the child on his seat and spoke to him.

"Listen, I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna look around. It shouldn't take too long... Now, don't touch anything. I'll find us some lodging, then I'll come back for you." Mando said to the child while walking towards the control room's entrance. "You stay right here. You stay. Don't move. You understand? .. Great."

He nodded as the child gave a small coo. To my surprise, Mando had turned to face me. I sighed, avoiding any eye contact.

"Don't worry, I'll watch him."

"Actually," He cleared his throat as I finally turned to look at him. "I could use your help finding someplace to stay."

"I-- sure." I replied, standing up and walking alongside Mando to the ship's front entrance.

As the entrance opened up, it revealed a lovely, green forest before us. Right as we were about to step outside, we both heard small footsteps approach us; followed by a coo.

"Oh, what the hell." Mando sighed, shaking his head as he saw the child look up at us. "Come on."


We found a somewhat large restaurant that seemed safe for us to rest for a bit. We spent a bit of time to find an empty table for us to sit at. That's when we both spotted a strange looking woman sitting at a table, watching us.

We both ignored her, walking over to an empty table as the child followed us. Mando picked up the child and placed him in a tall chair near the table. Afterwards, we sat down as a waitress began walking our way.

"Welcome, travelers!" She exclaimed, wiping her hands on a small cloth. "Can I interest you guys with anything?"

"Bone broth," I replied. "For the little one."

"Oh, well, you're in luck. I just took down a grinjer, so there's plenty." She said, looking at both me and Mando. "Can I interest you two with a porringer of broth as well?"

Mando glanced at me before responding, "Just the one."

"Very well--"

"That one over there." Mando interrupted, pointing at the strange woman on the other side of the room. "When did she arrive?"

"I.. I-I've seen her here for the last week or so."

"What's her business here?" I asked, joining in on the conversation.

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