Chapter Seven

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    It was 5:43 in the morning and I was already awake, two minutes before my alarm is suppose to go off. Today's going to be a good if I beat my alarm. Yawning and stretching, I shuffled out of bed and checked my phone. A good morning text from Clark, of course, and one from the girls wishing me good luck.

     I go Into the bathroom and began to get ready. I plugged in the hot comb, while the hot comb heated up I moved on to getting dressed. I know I should feel nervous but I don't. It's a calming feeling that I can't explain but I like it.

    Zipping up my pants I walked back into the bathroom to see if the comb was hot enough. The comb was blinking green, it's ready. Saying a silent prayer in my head, hoping that my hair comes out perfect. Please be curled and not frizzy. Please be curled and not frizzy. Taking a deep breath, I placed my hands in the back of my head and nervously began to take the rollers out. It's ... it's.. it's a curl! Thank god.

    Today is going to be a good day. My hair is cooperating, I packed a lunch, my outfit is perfect, and I woke up before my alarm went off. The odds are definitely in my favor for a good day. Once all of the rollers were out of my hair, I gently combed the curls with my Afro comb and pressed my roots with the hot comb. Finally I'm finished.

    It was now 6:15 and I was completely finished in the bathroom. I opted for a natural look with my makeup so my time was cut short in the bathroom. I hope Mickie made it to her breakfast seminar. Jacksonville is some ways from Clearwater I thought to myself. I sat down on the edge of the bed trying to collect my thoughts and emotions. I blinked off into space for a moment. This is it.. today's the last day and it's going to be a great day.

"Baby doll, Are you still here?"Clark's here. Shit Clark's here!

    Panic began to creep in. Why is he here, he should be heading to the prison or at least there. I quickly rose to my feet and met Clark and his black suit in the hallway.

"Babe what're you doing here? You should already be on the road."

"I wanted to see you. Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

    Oh god he knows. Be calm and act natural. Be calm and act natural.

"I'm fine, just a little nervous about the clinical site that's all. Why are you here?"

"So I can do this."

    Clark pulled me into a passionate kiss. Our heads and tongues moved in sync. The taste of mints and chocolates lingered in my mouth. His hands roamed down my back and back up to my bra. Stop him my conscience screams at me.

"I have to finish getting ready."

    Stepping out of his embrace, I walked back to my room to put on the cream silk blouse. I grabbed the matching blazer and headed into the living room.

"So you'll be riding back with me or Jazelle?"

"You of course. Unless you don't want me to ride back with you."

"I insist that you ride back with me. We can celebrate your last clinical together if you know what I mean."

    Turning to look at Clark, I was greeted with his devilish grin. I went into the kitchen and grabbed The lunches I packed last night. Looking at the clock it's 6:40. I gotta get him out of here before-

"Who's this 813 number?"

Cardiac arrest avenue here I come.

"It's Jazelle! She must be outside." I lie.

    I rush over to Clark and snatch my phone from his hands. Declining the call, I text Harrison telling him I'd be down stairs in a second. Huh great my worst nightmare.. somebody finding out about Clark and myself. Get a fucking grip Diana. I tucked in the blouse, I threw on the powdery blue blazer and quickly grabbed all of what I needed. Lunch? Check. Purse with the essentials? Check. Keys and phone? Check.

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