Chapter Seventeen

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I spent the entire day hanging out with granddad at the retirement center. We sat in the community hall and played numerous games with his friends Leo and Marty as they talked about their days in the navy. I felt like a small child again listening to them talk about their life and the many mistakes they have made along the way. Currently, we're playing cards. This was the best way to pass time as I waited for my date with the lovely Dana Washington. I can't wait to see her. My lips curled up into a smile as I thought about her.
"What's on your mind Oliver? You've been so distracted since you got here." Marty said, eyeing my cards.
It's too soon for me to tell them about what's going on. They wouldn't understand and I don't want to talk about it, well at least not now. Leo, Marty and my grandfather have morals. I don't. I also know for a fact that they would lecture me, telling me what I am doing is wrong. Shake it off Oliver.
"Nothing, now quit looking at my hand." I say, pulling my hand towards my chest.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous at all about my date with Dana, nervous is a complete understatement. I can't wait to see her, be near her again, and to look into those beautiful green eyes of hers and kiss those beautiful soft lips. I wonder, has she been thinking of me or is she nervous about the date as well?
I stand in the mirror fighting with my unruly hair, one day I will cut it off, I've grown so tired of the knots and matted bird's nest. She'll tug on it when i'm fucking her. Hard.
Get it together Oliver. I stop my wandering mind from thinking of how good she feels, and focus on the here and now. I switch the lights off in the bathroom and make my way out into the living room where Marvin is sitting on the couch with his eyes glued to his phone. He throws his cell phone down on the couch as I approach him.
"What's wrong with you?" I say, grabbing my wallet from the countertop.
"Huh, I thought I was going to be in somebody's daughters guts, but every last one of them are 'busy'." he says, dramatically throwing his head back. That explains why he's just sitting in sweats and a black wife beater.
"Give your favorite instrument a break man."
"That's easy for you to say, you're probably going to get some tonight." he says, giving me a half smile.
Not true, not true at all.
"I don't believe in giving the goods away on the first night, and most importantly, I just want to be her friend, nothing more." I say, trying to convince Marvin and myself.
"And I don't want to win the lottery one day. Now you see how crazy that sounds? You know damn well you want her." he says, standing to his feet.
I don't want her. How hard is that for him to understand? Maybe we can be friends, but nothing more. I look over at the oven and it's already ten minutes til eight. I'm going to be late! I quickly grab my car keys and shove my phone into my pockets and I am out the door before Marvin can ask me any more ridiculous questions.
My feet carry me across the back parking lot of Starbucks and Lolo's bar and grill. The aroma of tasty food and my nervousness filled the streets. Hopefully, my nerves don't get the best of me and I screw up this date. I reach into my pocket and check the clock on my phone for the third time. Relax man, it's just a casual date. It is now eight on the dot and I am in Joe's pub. It's packed to the brim tonight.
"Welcome to Joe's pub, table for one?" The hostess says, giving me her best smile.
I scan the large pub looking for a booth and just about every booth is taken, until this nice couple jumps up.
"Are there any more booths available?"
"Um," She says, turning her head to look.
Corner lot. Corner lot. Corner lot.
"We have a booth in the back corner, is that okay?" she says, smiling again.
The young hostess leads the way to the booth, sitting me down and placing two menus in front of me. She goes over the menu with me, telling me what drinks that fit the buy one get one half off category, and some appetizers that we can share. My focus shifts to Dana once I see her standing by the door. She points me out to the other hostess as she walks over towards the table.
Her hair flows and bounces as she walks and now she's in plain view. Fully exposed to my eyes. The white spaghetti strap blouse highlights the soft peaks of her breast and slender caramel shoulders. My eyes are fixated on her beautiful neckline and collar bones. I just want to kiss her neck and suck all over her chest. Dark washed bell bottoms jeans conform to thighs that I want wrapped around my neck.
"Sorry." she mouths to me.
The hostess, who I forgot was standing in front of me, takes a step back and walks away as I stand to hug Dana. She's in my arms and the nervousness melts away. You smell so good, pretty woman. Hints of vanilla plays on her hair and neck. A soft sexually charged gasp echoes in my ear. You feel it too, don't you baby. Her cheeks flush as she steps out from my embrace. Her eyes give her away.
"I didn't mean to," she stops, her face a deep shade of red and now clear green embarrassed eyes meet mine. "You're showing." She says, smiling.
I'm showing? What the hell does— fuck I'm hard! Why the hell does she have to be so damn bewitching. I quickly sit down and run my hands through my hair, l manage to look away from her. She plops her delicious self down in front of me and I am mesmerized by the little cleavage jiggle. I almost came undone.
"Can I start you guys off with some drinks?"
"Yes, water please." I say, quickly.
I'm not going to last long at this rate if she keeps seducing me.
     I can't bring myself to look at her, I am way too embarrassed to look. Again, why did she have to be so damn bewitching. I stare out of the corner of my eye, watching her drink her lemonade, wishing to be the straw. To have her full lips wrapped around me. Will you stop it? Pull yourself together.
     "My apologies for running late, I was closing up the bookstore and got held up." she says, looking down at her drink.
     Is that all you're apologizing for? You should apologize for looking so damn delicious.
     "No worries, your beauty distracted me from the time."
     "I know, I felt him." She says, in a smooth sultry voice, leaving me feeling naked.
     "Well, did you enjoy your fill Miss Washington?" I say, returning the same energy she's giving me.
     Take that.
     The corners of her mouth lift into a smile and I know I've won this round. It's not long before our waitress comes back, interrupting the sexually charged energy that fills the air. She refills our cups with water and lemonade, and asks if we're ready to order.
     "I will have the pulled pork nachos with extra cheese."
     "Full or half size, hun?" She says, smacking the green gum.
     "Half." I say, repressing my natural annoyance for such a disgusting habit. I move my drink over towards the window, in case her gum takes flight.
     "And for you ma'am?"
     "I'll have the exact same as him, extra cheese as well." Dana says.
     "I'll have that right out for you guys shortly." She says, walking away with the menus. We're left to our silence but not for long, as Dana fishes out a tiny slip of white paper from her pocket.
     "So," she says, pulling herself up straight, she squaring her shoulders. "To keep things appropriate, I've written down some questions." She says, looking at the white paper.
     "Appropriate?" I raise a brow. You're the one who's being inappropriate, Miss Washington.
     "Yes, appropriate, I won't ask any personal questions, or sexual questions." She says.
     That attractive blush steals across her face again and she's smiling. I brush back my hair to distract myself from looking at her modest amount of cleavage that is staring at me.
     "What do you do for a living?"
     "I am a physician assistant, and yourself?"
     "I'm a clerk at Leslie's bookstore, but you already knew that," she gives me a little wink, then she's back to interrogating me.
     "What made you want to be a Physician Assistant?"
     Job security, if I'm being quite honest. I could pack up and leave Florida if I wanted to, and still be able to find a job effortlessly. The money is wonderful I might also add, I but won't tell her that. I won't tell anyone that.
     "I love making people feel better. I hate seeing people sick and being sick myself."
     "Handsome and a caring spirit."
     "Well, I try, and what about you? Any plans for the future?" I wonder if there's anything else she has going for herself. She doesn't want to be a clerk at a bookstore does she?
     "My plans are to ace my final exam and become a license beautician." She's says, taking a sip of her lemonade.
"What was the smoking gun that made you want to become a beautician?"
"It's my passion, I could talk about makeup and hair for hours. I'm all in when it comes to beauty anything." She chirps.
The waitress comes around with our nachos, placing them down in front of us. Miss gums, yeah miss gums, perfect name, whisk our cups away to refill them with water and lemonade. "Let me know if you guys need anything else, Hun." She says, mooning over me.
Put your eyes back in the socket and get lost. "No that'll be all." I say, dryly. She twist on her heels and she out of my face.
"This looks so delicious!"
So do you. Delicious enough to eat, I wish it was you on my plate.
"It's one of my favorites here." I say, stopping my wayward thoughts of her.
I watch as she takes the first bite of her nachos. My eyes are only focused on her lips, soft and plump, I remember our almost little kiss.
     "When's your birthday?" I ask.
     "August 9th."
     "Mhm, a lioness."
     "Yes, and what about you? When's your birthday?" She says, scooping more food onto her fork.
     "Valentine's Day. I'll be twenty-six."
     "TWENTY-SIX? I thought you were eighteen." She says, smiling really hard. And behold— there's that blush again.
     "Well, how old are you?"
     "Eighteen going on nineteen."
She's so young, a baby, practically. Overthinking everything as usual, shut up and go with it.
     "My age won't be a problem will it?" She blinks, waiting for my answer.
     "Of course not, smiley."
     "Good, now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the ladies room." She says, rewarding me with a smile.
I stand up extending my hand out to help her from the booth, and I'm glad I did. She is most definitely wearing those jeans. I admire every inch and every curve of her bottom as she turns the corner. Who's bothering me now. My hand is in my pocket digging around for the stupid phone. Charity..
I decline her call, shooting her an excuse. The old "call you later, in the shower". Charity instantly texts back saying she loves me and now I'm overcome by the unfamiliar sting called guilt. I'm an ass.
Yes, yes you are.
"Can we leave? I'm actually not feeling it here." She says, annoyed.
"Sure, do you want a to go box?" Everything is going great, well I thought so.
"No thank you." She says, with a scowl.
I flag down the waitress, asking for the check. Dana rolls her eyes as the waitress continuously moons over me. She's really pissed— wait, did she see me texting Charity?
"Sister Dana, what a pleasant surprise seeing you here." The familiar voice rings to my ears.
Deacon cock block.
We're on our feet as she hugs him. He snakes his arms around her waist and now he's squeezing her. It's taking everything in me not to punch his lights out. Dana shoots me an uncomfortable look as she mouths sorry. "Deacon Waters, you remember Oliver, don't you?" Dana says, hastily pulling away from him.
"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there."
You know damn well you saw me standing here. We shake hands and exchange small talk before a young woman approaches us. She's no older than Dana but she's younger than myself. Chocolate smooth skin, pen straight hair and very thin. She's all smiles as she stares Dana up and down. She introduces herself as Mary.
"Your wife is beautiful, Deacon Waters. It's a pleasure to finally meet you ma'am." I say, shaking her hand.
"The pleasure is all mine." She growls.
"Well, um, I'll see you at watch night Deacon Waters," she pauses, looking over to Mary, "You too, Mrs. Waters." She snaps.
"Don't let what we talked about fall on deaf ear, Dana."
"Good night, Deacon Waters." She says, storming off.
What the hell is going on? I leave the forty dollars on the table and follow behind her. Fucking dickhead.

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