Chapter Two

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My black Range Rover flew down the Courtney Campbell in seconds as I exited off the bridge turning down the side street. Traffic wasn't that bad at all today. The whole drive back to Clearwater was so depressing, I couldn't shake his words from head. How could he do this to me.. not only did he hit me but he failed me for the semester.  His words echoed in my head "Oh don't worry about graduation, because it's not happening for you. You seemed to have failed this semester." It replayed over and over again as I drove home from school. What the actual hell. I should've choose Mrs.Velez instead of Clark to be my professor. Pulling me from my thoughts my phone buzzed. Damn.

"Hey Jeanie what's up?" I said sniffling.

"I was calling because I got some wonderful news and I wanted you and Mickie to celebrate with me" Jeanie cheerfully said. I'm hardly in a celebratory mood.. I don't even want be around anyone honestly.

"Hello? Diana you still there?" Jeanie said. I could barely talk. My tongue felt so big in my mouth. Damn it I'm letting my emotions get the best of me.

"Are you crying?" Jeanie asked.

"No I'm not crying. So um when did you wanna celebrate?"

"Tonight. Are you sure you're not crying." Jeanie questioned.

"Of course I'm not crying silly girl. When and where will the celebration be held at?" I said putting more pep in my voice.

"At Mickie and myself's apartment around 6:30!" Looking at the clock on the screen, it was already 6:15 and I was somewhat close.

"How about we do the celebrating at my house? I'll be home in 20 minutes."

"Okay fine whatever, Just hurry up and get home! I can't hold this news in any longer." she squealed  into the phone before she hung up.

I pulled into the parking space and turned the ignition off. Huh I just want this day to be over with. God I hope Jeanie and Mickie bring over some wine. I reached over to the front seat and grabbed my bag and headed up the stairs to my apartment. I bet I won't ever choose to be on the third floor again... this hike is killing me, I thought to myself. Finally I was in the privacy of my own home.

I kicked off my sandals and pulled my hair down from the clip. I took off my jacket and threw it on the couch before I headed to the bathroom. I still can't wrap my head around why Clark is acting like this. It was a mutual agreement about us splitting up. I wonder if he's sorry for hitting me. What man puts their hands on a woman I thought to myself.

I watched as the water swirl down the toilet bowl. "Touch me again and your career will go down the toilet" I said. Just as I began to smile or at least feel better, I looked in the mirror to see a purple bruise on my cheek from Clark. Oh no. OH NO. Crinkling my face in disgust.. man this is some bs. Reaching for my phone I texted Clark.

"How could you do this to me? I hate you so much."

Without missing a beat Clark instantly texted back.

"Look I'm sorry but I can't talk. We can discuss this later tonight."

"Don't bother. We're done for good. Good-bye Professor Clark."

Dropping my phone on the bathroom counter, I washed my hands. God I hate him.. I hate him for making me feel this way. I went into my room and sat at the vanity and reached for my powder foundation to cover up the hideous purple bruise. I've been keeping this a secret from my parents and best friends for obvious reasons. Of all the things he could've done to me, he decides to slap me. Why not shove me like he's always done or any of the other painful things he has done in the past.

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