As we toured the prison, we had encountered every kind of inmate from drug dealers to murderers, and bank robbers. You name them and we probably saw them.
"Now ladies keep in mind some of these men haven't seen a nice well done up woman in a while. So please don't be alarmed." Chief Triton yells.
I stood in the back of the group with Harrison not wanting the inmates to see me. Once the chief punched in the codes to the heavily armed and guarded door, it was all eyes on us. I felt like a small animal in the jungle. It felt so degrading walking down the tight hall. I ignored just about every cat call I heard while all the rest of the girls marveled at the attention. Not one of these men were attractive. I could understand if that was why the girls were blushing. Looking down at my watch it was now 11:30 and my stomach was on my back. Damn when is-
"Hey red bitch, I know you hear me." Turning around I made eye contact with the heavy set shirtless man.
Oh god why did I make eye contact. He was licking his lips and rubbing his hands together. I reached for Harrison's hand squeezing it. Obliging to comfort me, Harrison draped his arm around my shoulders. We both looked back at the inmate and smiled.
"I'll protect you Diana." Harrison laughed.
"I'll clap those ass cheeks to boy!" Ew. Ew. Ew.
Harrison looked horrified and shocked at the man's response. I wrapped my arms around Harrison and we both cracked up laughing.
"Harrison it looks like you got a new boyfriend."
"Nope! Nope, I don't swing that way. I only have eyes for one special lady." He whispered into my ear.
Still with our arms wrapped around each other, I looked up and gave Harrison a warm smile. I haven't felt butterflies like this in a while. Honestly it feels amazing to have him around me. We've known each other for so long, we have common interests in a plethora of things. We briefly stared into each other's eyes. Those big golden brown eyes and lips were melting me, calling my name.
"Ride back with me so we can get a bite of ice cream. My treat honeybun." Harrison whispered in my ear again.
Honeybun? I've been promoted from bee stings to honeybun? Anything was better than bee stings. Pulling my bottom lip into my mouth, should I go? Obviously this is a no brainer idiot! Go with him my conscience whispers back. Peering into Harrison's eyes I nodded my head.
"Okay sweet lips, it's a date." Harrison leaned down and lightly kissed the side of my head.
As we reached the rest of the class, I sensed a certain pair of angry blue eyes staring at me. If looks could I'm pretty sure Harrison would be off the face of the planet. Looking back up at Harrison who was still smiling, is he purposely doing this? He knows Clark watches me like a hawk. Clark nudged chief Triton, who looked back at Harrison and myself, and continued talking in hushed tones.
As the group of twenty odd students moved along to what seemed to be a cafeteria, Clark slowed down his speed and somehow manage to get close to Harrison and me. The heavy door closed behind us and another was opened.
Clark roughly grabbed me by my arm, yanking me from under Harrison's arm. Before Harrison could react, Chief Triton quickly grabbed Harrison to pull him into the cafeteria leaving Clark and myself alone in the hallway. Clark slammed me into the wall tangling his hands in my hair.
"You really enjoy pissing me off don't you? You get a kick out of this shit mhm?"
"Clark stop please, it wasn't what it looked like."
"Oh really? Why was he kissing you mhm? I saw the whole fucking thing."
Clark released my hair and punched me in the stomach. Reaching to grab my hair again before I could sink to the ground, I immediately guarding my stomach from him. Instead of punching me in my stomach, with a closed fist Clark punched me in the chest. Nearly knocking the wind out of me, tears spewed from my eyes as I coughed.
"Stop!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
Maybe I deserve this for flirting with Harrison in front of Clark.. this is my fault. We're supposed to be engaged and here I am flirting with Harrison. Clark punched me in the stomach once more.
"Help me please." I manage to croak out.
"A little taste of what's to come when we get home, now get up."
The door opened and chief Triton stood there looking at the both of us. My chest felt hot to the touch from the blow I took seconds ago. My nose was running, my hair is everywhere now. Clark stood there huffing and puffing glaring at me like a crazed wild animal.
"Clark, is everything okay?"
Chief Triton was smiling at the both of us.
"Yeah things are fine-"
"Help me plea-" Clark backhanded me. Yanking me back to face him as he smirked.
"Sweetheart you should never interrupt men when there talking." Joe chuckled.
"Is it okay that she sits in your office until she's with her patient? She can't be trusted with her little boyfriend, Harrison Williams."
"Yeah that's fine," looking down at his watch, "lunch will be over in about 15 minutes, should we just take her up to meet Mrs.Ramirez then?"
"No no she has a new patient she'll be evaluating. The one we talked about earlier, the nut job."
"Ahh him." Joe said.
Joe and Clark looked at me with menacing smiles. They're friends. I knew something was a little off about how friendly they had automatically became. Just fucking great I have to deal with two psychopaths today and with the way they keep talking, looks like I'll be dealing with another psychopath or worse. God please protect me and help me out of this safely and I swear I'll leave Clark alone. For good. Clark released my hair and pinned me against the wall with his body.
"Now what were you and Harrison talking about." I kept my eyes trained on the ground beneath me.
"Answer me or I'll beat it out of you."
Taking a deep breath I wiped my tears. Just be honest a tiny voice said to me.
"He asked me on a date for ice cream, that's all."
"Well you're going decline his offer like a good girl. Do you have makeup in your purse?" He asked pulling it off my shoulders. I nodded my head quickly. Every time I moved I could feel the pain in my stomach.
"Good fix up your makeup. You have 2 minutes understood?"
"Yes Clark." I say defeatedly.
The rest of the group files out of the cafeteria talking amongst themselves about the inmates they'll be examining. I wait for Harrison against the wall. Harrison comes around the corner looking furious until he locks eyes with me.
"What happened to you for lunch? I was waiting for you."
"That's not important. I can't go out for ice cream with you, I-I have plans with my fiancé."
"Your what?"
"We're engaged. He proposed to me Monday night."
Harrison help me please. Please read in between the lines. Peering up at Harrison threw wet lashes, his face was redder than a red apple you would get at the state fair. Save me Harrison please.
"Alright now here's the rules: do not share personal information with these men and women. They're not your friends. Do not try to entice them. And lastly, DON'T EVER TAKE YOUR EYES OFF OF THEM. If you value your life, you'll listen to me. Now there will be two guards in the room with you at all times so what that being said, do not push your luck with them." Joe said sternly.
"Now there's only going to be one Psychiatric intern who is going on the other side of the prison with Professor Clark, five other prison guards and myself. The inmates over there are a lot more dangerous than the ones over here. So without further ado, Professor Clark would you like to call up the intern who will be joining us?"
"The lucky intern is ..."
This could all be punishment for Harrison. Clark might want to see what Harrison is made of and since he is friends with the chief, he could have Harrison get beat up by some of the guards or worse, the inmates. Panic rose into the pits of my stomach. If anything happens to Harrison it would be all my fault. I eyeballed Harrison, he stood still and emotionless. Huh he's really pissed, pissed at me. I shouldn't have told him.
"Are you mad at me?" I whispered.
"No, I'm disappointed in you. You said yes to a monster and now you're heading down the same path as my Aunt Carol. I hope he chooses me so I can knock that smug smile off of his face."
"Clark is best friends with Chief Triton. If he picks you, your fucked."
"No if he picks you, you're fucked. In literal terms Diana."
"Diana Welsh" Clark announced with a devilish grin.
The small crowd of students turned their heads and smiled at me. I quickly forced a smile. Clark's expression dropped when he noticed my hands were intertwined with Harrison's. I quickly yanked them away as I walked down the little path. Congratulations, good luck, you'll do well were many of the words of encouragement that I heard as I reached Clark and Chief Joe.
We walked down the halls and watched as one by one each student went into a room with two guards. There was this huge knot in my stomach about my patient. What if this person is a murderer or a real crazy person? My mind was bouncing from place to place. We walked through another long tight hallway until we reached the elevator. The elevator ride down to the first floor was quiet and pretty quick. Once we were downstairs, there were two golf carts that could carry four people waiting for us. Clark, Chief Joe, one of the guards and myself piled onto one. The other four huge guards followed behind us on the other golf cart.
We were now zipping across the courtyard. I took in the scary site of the officers in the towers, watching with what looked like a rifle. There was nothing but dirt and splotchy patches of grass everywhere. Finally the golf cart had came to a halting stop. "We're here darling." Chief Triton said in a chilling voice.
We're now entering the killer zone. This wasn't the time to be nervous or afraid. Sandwiched in between Clark and one of the guards, we followed behind Joe who was now punching in the code to get us inside the hell hole. It wasn't much different from the other side of the prison, the structure was the same but instead of bars there were rectangular slots cut into the doors. The clicking of my heels filled the silent prison as we walked to god knows where.
"For your safety Diana, you won't be examining the inmate in his room, so you'll interview him in our special office." Joe explained.
We climbed up a flight of stairs before we enter a dark room. The lights automatically switched on as we walked into the room. The room was plain and cold. The large metal table that sat in the middle of the room was accompanied by two chairs that faced each other. Joe and the guards walked off leaving Clark and myself alone. Placing my lunchbox on the table, I sat down in the chair that faced the door.
"Clark why do you like hurting me? Honestly do you get off when you hit me?"
Clark was leaned up against the wall looking at me with a blank expression on his face. Searching for words to say to me? Maybe, but I want some truth and not another lie claiming that I make him crazy.
"Because I can. I love the look on your face once you realize who's in control."
Another punch to the stomach. If he wasn't physically hurting me, he was verbally hurting me. Why do I do this to myself.. I should've ignored him Monday. I should've took the high road.
"Well I guess you should start looking for someone else to control because we're done. Done for good this time."
Clark turned his head immediately at my words. This time I meant it. There's no turning around from this. I'm sick of hiding bruises from my friends and lying for him. Enough was enough.
"Why so you can be single and fuck Harrison?"
"Because I can. I'm not going to continue being your punching bag Clark."
"If you would just listen and behave accordingly I wouldn't have to put my hands on you. Whenever you act out, I have to correct your behavior. Do you think I want to hit you?"
"Clark do you hear yourself? You're not my father."
"Look we'll talk about this when we get home. We have so much more to talk about anyways.. like you and Harrison."
"I'm not riding back with you, let alone you coming back to my apartment. We're done! We have nothing more to talk about."
Clark shook his head and walked out of the room leaving me alone. Thank god. A sigh of relief washed over my body. I wonder if this time he'll get it. There's no going back to Clark or taking his crap. I reached into my purse and grabbed my phone. Scrolling through my contacts I clicked on Clark's name. Here goes nothing. Delete! My lips curled into a small smile.
I could hear footsteps outside of the room. The loud clanking noise of chains dragging on the floor. Oh god they're coming! My heart was beating a million miles an hour as the seconds went by. Relax Diana. As the door slowly opened, I rose to my feet pressing the wrinkles out on my pants. There were two guards followed by an inmate with a dark bag over his head and then chief Triton and Clark. What the hell is going on here. What's with the bag? Oh I get it.. so he doesn't learn his way around the prison.
"Sit him down."
"Why does he have a bag over his head?" No answer, great.
"Can you guys please remove the bag from over his head?"
"We'll think about it."
All I want to do is work and Clark is letting his friends interfere with my work. Quickly rounding the large table, the bag was within reach of my finger tips. Clark quickly grabbed me by my arm pulling me out into the hallway.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"I'm trying to work Clark and you guys are being complete jackasses to the poor man."
"Poor man? He's not one of the good guys in those little fairy tail shows you watch and you're being nice to him?"
"I'm more than nice to you and you're an ass." I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Clark looked down at the ground taking a deep breath.
"Okay I deserved that one, but I have a proposition for you." Clark gently pushed me into the wall caressing my face and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
"What do you want?"
"How about we go into Joe's office and you apologize to me on your knees like a good girl."
"You know what, you can go screw yourself."
"Come on I've fucked you in way more disgusting places than this, Plus you're guaranteed your A in the class and graduating."
Turning away from Clark, I began to walk back to the little dark office where my patient waited. How dare he. Sick son of a bitch.
"Wait, wait baby doll how about we go out to my truck and-" I turned around to face him.
"No! How does go fuck yourself sounds? We're done for good and I mean it. If I am guaranteed an A in your class it's because I worked my ass off for it, not because I slept with your sorry ass."
"You don't mean that."
"I do. You're a sorry sack of shit of a man who has an issue with women who want to be independent. I said we're done earlier and meant it, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. Why? Because I have a date tonight with Harrison." I say, with a straight face.
Clark's face crumbled in anger as he clenched his fists. The sound of marching feet filled the hallway. We faced off for a few seconds more before I turned around and headed back into the office. The room was empty well with the exception of the inmate. Closing the door behind myself I walked over taking a deep breath, I gently pulled the bag from over his face.
Locks of honey dark brown curly hair tumbled down to his shoulders and slightly down his back. From this view, I could see the flawless jawline of his, the little moles that kissed the corner of his mouth and the few that traveled down his neck. I watched closely, his breathing was heavy and ragged as it left him but in an instance, not giving me a chance to react, I was violently pushed to the ground. Pain shot through my wrists as I rested on them.
"I SAID GO AWAY." he screams. His voice rings loud and clear in my ears as I look at him. I gasped as his icy cold exterior melted away. I froze in place when his smoldering gaze reached me. Forest green eyes bore holes in my body as he stared at me, he looked at me as if he wanted to devour me. His stare kept me pinned to the ground. Lost in my mind, I must've not heard him and now my wrists are paying for it. Don't take your eyes off of them! Joe's words echo in my head.

The Psychiatrist
Ficção GeralGraduation is near for Psychiatry student Diana Welsh. With no support from her parents, barely anytime to hangout with her best friends, and her turbulent relationship with her professor, Diana manages to pull through medical school with minor cuts...