Sasaengs are downright scary.

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Chapter Thirteen

I was in a good mood today. I don't know why, I just was. That's why when I saw Eunhyuk up early leaning against the counter with his back facing me, I didn't hesitate to skip over and give him a gentle hug from the back. 

"Hello~" i sang cheerfully.

He stiffened slightly in surprise before relaxing, "How did you sleep?"

"Good" I smiled before unwrapping my arms from around his waist and stepping back with a yawn. "How about you?"

"I slept okayish, I guess..."


"It's nothing. What are you doing today?"

"I don't know actually, it depends. Who's staying home?"

He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry, Amanda... Everyone's busy today with rehearsal."

"Oh.. uh... I'll just play on the internet." I offered.

"Why don't you come?" Sungmin suddenly asked while poking his head from out of the hallway.

"Come where?" I asked slowly.

"To rehearsal!"

My face lit up in excitement before I remembered; fans, the media, and, of course, the other celebrities. "I don't think I should..." I awkwardly responded.

"Why?" Sungmin argued, both he and Eunhyuk eyeing me curiously. "Aren't you a fan?"


"You were excited there for a minute. Tell us." Sungmin nagged.

I slowly and quietly explained to them as I began to blush. They kept silent once I had finished... Were they judging me? I don't know. I was too embarrassed to look up. And it's not my fault that those things came to mind; i had heard my fair share of horror stories where girls were harassed after only being spotted with idols. I wasn't taking any chances.

I heard laughter from behind me and turned around to come face to face with Heechul and Han Geng who stood next to him chuckling. I turned even redder. I hadn't really had the chance to talk to heechul yet and when I was left alone with Han Geng, I barely saw him.

"What?" I tried to defend myself.

"You think that would really happen??" Heechul managed to ask.

I turned even more red. 

"Well our fans can be that scary..." Leeteuk said from behind me,"Amanda, if you want we can bring Sora too and if anyone asks, you're her friend."

I slowly nodded my head at Leeteuk's request. Did I really want to take the risk? Maybe just this once.


I fidgeted uneasily as I sat in the back of the van next to Sora and Eunhyuk while Leeteuk, Sungmin and Shindong sat in front with the driver. I was nervous, very nervous.... but that's normal, right?

I listened to Eunhyuk and Sora's quick chatter; barely understanding half of it. At the speed they were talking i would be surprised if anyone could understand. After a while Sora turned to me. "You can't seriously be this nervous?" Sora asked, trying to hide her laugh.

"It's not my fault.."

"Why are you nervous? We got rid of the scandal problem!"

"I'm going to the SM building, what's there not to be nervous about?!"

"Amanda, it's just SM. You'll only be seeing managers, stylists, choreographers, and maybe some other groups..."

"exactly," I said, now in English so that the others wouldn't understand, "What if I see any other groups?! What am I supposed to do if I see Shinee? TVXQ??"

She looked at me in amusement. "Say Hi! And since when were you a fan of all these other groups?" she joked, "Are we letting a crazy fan in?"

"Unnie!!" i nearly screamed in embarrassment.

She began to laugh as the rest of the boys looked back at us questioningly.

I sighed as silence filled the car. We continued to sit until we approached the building and the faint screaming of fans could be heard.

"Don't worry, you won't have to walk through the mob of fans... once we get through the gates the fans will be gone."

I slowly nodded my head. Not a huge response, but i really was quite relieved.



"Do you think I'll actually see any other groups?..."

I could hear her laugh quietly, "Yes, Amanda. I think that there's a very good chance that you will. Now calm down, will you?"

I nodded and paused before continuing, "but unnie, what do i do?"

" I just told you, say hi!"

I jumped as i heard a big bang on the window next to Eunhyuk. "What was that?" i asked, voice shaking slightly.

Eunhyuk gently, but awkwardly, held my hand which was now clenched in a fist. "It's fine, Amanda It's just the fans.. The windows are tinted. They can't see you."

I nodded my head, staring directly where the thumps could be heard. He squeezed my hand gently and I looked up at his face only to see him looking the other way.

"You don't need to hold my hand if you're uncomfortable...."

"It's fine..." he mumbled, still looking in the other direction.

There was another loud bang and I held Eunhyuk's hand tighter, scared of the people on the other side of the glass. He stiffened before slowly relaxing. Ours hands remained entwined for the rest of the ride into the SM building parking lot; with all the fans around the van it took twice as long as it should have to reach the gate.

It was only once we had passed the gates, parked and Sora had opened the door to reveal a quiet and empty parking lot, that i sighed in relief.

Still holding Eunhyuk's hand for support, I stepped out of the van. After waiting for a few minutes, two more vans pulled up next to ours and the rest of Super Junior piled out.

"Amanda!" Siwon yelled as he hugged me, detaching me from Eunhyuk.

"What??" I asked, completely taken by surprise.

"So you and Eunhyuk,huh? I saw you holding hands! So??" he bugged.

I turned bright red and hit his arm, "It's because I was scared of the fans!" I hissed back so only he could hear.

"Are you sure?" he grinned, wiggling the shibrows up and down.

I groaned, face bright red, and grabbed Sora's hand before dragging her to the front doors. Here I come, SM.

Life with Super Junior (2013 Kpop Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now