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Chapter Twenty-Eight

*****A couple weeks Later*****

***Amanda's P.O.V.***

"One cafe latte for table #23!" Sunggyu, the barista at the cafe I now work at, called while placing the cup on the counter.

"Thanks." I sighed while picking it up and heading towards table 23 to drop it off.

Once I had finished delivering the coffee and taking more orders, I returned to the counter and handed the papers to Sunggyu.

"All these?" he asked, scanning through the papers before clipping them above the drip machine.

"Yup..." I muttered, casually leaning back into the counter to relax for a minute before getting back to work.

"Hey... Are you okay?" You seem pretty down today..." he asked, quickly glancing up at me before turning back to the coffee.

"I'm just tired... It's been a long day." I lied, giving him a small smile.

"Go get some rest in the back! I'm sure SuMin won't mind taking over for a bit..." he suggested.

"What's going on?" SuMin asked as she walked up next to me, placing her tray full of empty cups on the counter.

"Amanda's really tired, would you mind working alone while she takes a break?" Sunggyu asked her.

"Sure!" She chirped, "Go take a break, Amanda. I've got everything under control~"

"Are you sure?..." I asked uneasily.

"I'm fine! Go, go, go~" she urged, pushing me towards the back room where the three of us usually take our breaks.

"Thank you..." I mumbled shyly.

"It's no problem~" she winked, "We're all family here so if you need anything, I repeat anything, don't hesitate to ask Sunggyu or myself."

I hugged her, mumbling another thank you.

"It's fine~" she laughed, "But what's really going on?... I may only have known you for a couple weeks, but don't think I can't tell when something more is up"

I looked at her slightly surprised. 

"I'm just good at reading people~" she smiled gently, sitting the two of us down on the small dark blue sofa.

"I think I need to take tomorrow off." I began quietly.

"I can do that... but you've got to tell me why, love."

I took a shaky breath before answering. "I-it's.... my parents' death anniversary..." I mumbled uncomfortably, trying to hold back the tears at just the thought of what tomorrow meant.

"Oh, honey......" she sighed, pulling me into a hug.

"I-i'm fine..." I tried convincing her, but to no avail.

"You're not fine! And understandably so.  Do you want to head home early today? Do you need anything?"

"It's fine... I want to stay... It helps distract me and I don't want to go home and sit there alone with nothing to do..." I explained.

"Then stay. Just rest back here for a while before getting back to work, OK?"

"Thanks..." I muttered as she gave me one last squeeze and stood up.

"If you need something, just holler. " she said before walking out.

As she closed the door I looked around the room and began to fiddle with the loose strings on my cardigan. What was i going to do?... 

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