Chapter 13

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Warnings of depressing stuff. Though if you've gotten this far, I'm sure you already know that. The rights belong to Rick Riordan.

Annabeth watched Leo as he worked.

He really was brilliant. His hands danced across the worktable as he grabbed necessary tools. The metal he was working with seemed to melt in his hands, molding itself to his will. In fact, she wouldn't be surprised if it literally was melting in his hands.

It was Annabeth's turn to watch over Leo, but they had decided to give him free reign while working. It would be uncomfortable for everyone involved if the use of handcuffs was enforced.

As the minutes passed, Annabeth became in lost in thought.

She was worried. Well, that should be obvious enough. Every once in a while she could catch a glimpse of the scars that lined Leo's arms. This was not okay.

And on top of that, she was worried about Percy. He had seemed fairly put together the night before, but she remembered when he finally broke down and told her the first time. It was after the fulfillment of the first prophecy, and things had seemed okay for awhile. But she should've known that they weren't meant to be happy that easily...

Annabeth was suddenly awoken by a gentle nudge to the shoulder. She groaned softly, pushing herself into a seated position. "What... Percy?"

Her eyes snapped open, and she was immediately alert. "What are you doing here?" she hissed. "You're not supposed to be in here right now! How did you get past the harpies? What if one of my siblings wakes up? What were you-"

She broke off after getting a good look at her boyfriend. Even in the dim lighting, she could tell that he was shaking. "I know," he muttered, avoiding her eyes. "I know. Gods, I'm sorry. This was dumb. I'll just leave. Sorry, Annabeth."

He quickly turned and made his way toward the door, but Annabeth grabbed his wrist. She was shocked when he flinched away from her, and she immediately let go. 

"Hey," she said. "It's okay. Percy, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, really," he mumbled, still inching his way toward the door. "Just forget about it."

Annabeth wasn't going to let this slide. "No. Get back over here and tell me what's wrong."

Percy slumped over in defeat and collapsed onto the bed next to Annabeth. She was alarmed to see tears streaming down his face. "I'm so sorry," he choked out. "I just can't do this anymore."

"What's wrong?" Annabeth asked softly. She had never seen Percy like this, and it scared her more than anything.

"I..." But he couldn't seem to say it.

"It's okay, Percy. You can tell me."

"I have nightmares..."

Annabeth understood this. It wasn't uncommon for demigods, especially for those who had been on quests. "What is it? Holding up the sky? Betrayal? Losing friends? Whatever it is, Percy, you can tell me. I've been there too."

"No you haven't," he managed through his tears. "Not this. At least, I hope to the gods you haven't."

Now Annabeth was just confused. "Then, what's wrong?"

Percy mumbled a response, avoiding her eyes.


Percy spoke a little louder, though still in just a whisper.

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