Chapter 3

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Welcome to the oversized, luxury Smash Mansion Common Room, where all the fighters just like to hang out, rest, discuss and share stories about their universes, fighting strategies and pretty much everything about the Ultimate World.

The Common Room had a rather calm vibe – Sonic was sitting comfortably on the sofa, cuddling with his very favourite Pokémon, Pikachu. Those two have gotten very close since Galeem's previous invasion in this world. Pretty convenient, seeing as they're both rodents. Sonic nuzzled the electric Pokémon's ears, while the blue hedgehog was half asleep from running almost 20 laps around Windy Hill Zone. Yes! 20 LAPS. He can do it so, anyway, since he claims to be the "fastest thing alive". It's just a pity that he managed to get himself killed by Galeem. Though that was because he tried to save is very favourite Pokemon.

Other fighters in the roster and competing in the Ultimate Tourney, were Princess Zelda (A Link Between Worlds) and Lucas, Ness's friend. Samus was still drinking her blueberry milkshake, while chatting to Princess Peach and Villager's secretary, Isabelle. They happened to be talking about the lack of female representation in the smash roster, and Samus demanded there to some sort of "female only" tournament. But "some hopes!" were added. Meanwhile, Pit was fiddling about with his weapons, slumped on sofa near Sonic and Pikachu.

Young Link and Toon Link were sat next to other. Young Link was yet again chugging down another jar of Lon Lon Milk, while his cel-shaded counterpart, Toon Link, was humming a tune to himself. Toon just loves to sing. And he's actually kind of good at it. While Young Link just loves to drink milk all the time. If you happen to see Young anywhere around This World, he'll always be clutching a jar of cow juice in his hands.

"I tell you, if he doesn't stop with the milk, he'll have spots on his face soon," Champion Link (Breath Of The Wild) had sniggered.

But what do you think Young Link does about it? He carries on drinking the milk like he's 2 months old or something.

Anyway, I think there were a few other fighters in the room, but I can't talk about all of them, as much as I love them! Let's get on with the story.

So everyone was just chilling out, after a gruelling day of training and sparring all over the World Of Light.... until Villager stomped into the room and stood in front of everyone, and ruined the whole vibe. I guessed he was still pretty pissed about the whole telephone thing.

"Do I have any messages for me?" He asked patiently.

The others just carried on as they were, staring into oblivion, as if Villager wasn't even there, just like the Smash Mansion Phone. Which pissed him off even more, considering the fact that they ignored his girlfriend's phone call, and now they had the common decency to ignore HIM.

"I SAID, do I have any messages?!"

Everyone groaned, however, Sonic spoke up.

"Villager, in case you haven't noticed, we are SICK and TIRED of picking up the phone to your girlfriends!" he declared.

"Why two of them, may I ask?" Leaf asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Just dump Petal!" Samus suggested. "It's so boring, the way she goes on and on about you!"

"Uh, no way! Dump Turnip, instead!" Zelda shot back. She then smiled, "Petal's sweet."

That's when the whole room suddenly almost erupted into conflict into who Villager should date and whom he should keep. Wait.. Wasn't it his decision...?

"EXCUSE ME!" he began."This is so NONE of your beeswax! My private life should be just that. PRIVATE! So stay out of it!" he snarled, and walked out.

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