Chapter 7

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This was it. The Big Finale. Who the heck was Villager going to end up with? And what about the ruined fish? In the words of Super Mario...

Let's-a -go!

In response to Princess Zelda's little hint, both teams, Isabelle, (Olimar especially) Mario, Daisy, Luigi and a few others had legged it to the Mansion Kitchen as they'd smelled something fishy in the air too. Ness and Olimar's fish had been burnt thanks to Pikachu and Zelda, and the explorer wasn't a happy bunny about it.

"My-my beautiful fish! IT'S RUINED!" he wailed, pushing past the onlookers in the smoky kitchen, and turned the stove off and wafted some of the smoke away.

I wonder if Villager and Turnip fancied burnt mackerel...?

"LOOK!" he screamed through gritted teeth, Olimar shoved the charred fish on the smoking frying pan in the team's faces in frustration.

"'s just very well done!" Orange Ink stammered. She then briefly turned and shot a dirty look at Pikachu and Zelda, who seemed to be smiling discreetly.

RING RING! The Smash Mansion doorbell rang again, and a annoyed Isabelle ran to answer it.

I think I know who's at the door...

Villager stood folding his arm in front of the guilty teams, impatiently tapping his foot.

You could practically see the steam coming out of Villager's ears! He was MAAAAAAAAAAD.

"Nobody move! None of you are going ANYWHERE until you all sort this out with Mayor!" Isabelle scolded, and went to answer the door.

When his secretary left, Villager practically charged towards the two teams like a BULL and slammed both his fists on the Kitchen counter. It was time to face the music.

"Okay. Explanation. NOW!" He screeched.

Everyone looked at each other, unable to speak, refusing to give themselves up to the so-called Mayor of Smashville.

"Villager! We do think that Petal's the one for you, an- MPPH!" Zelda began.

She would've gone on proving her point if Leaf hadn't had interrupted her by clamping Zelda's mouth with her hand to shut her up.

"No way!" Leaf hissed at Zelda, while trying to sound caring for Villager. "Turnip's waaay more attractive, and she gets you better presents!" (The Left Corner nod in agreement).

Zelda spat at Leaf's hand, causing her to let go up Zelda's mouth, and the female Pokemon Trainer wiped the princess's saliva onto Red, to his disgust, Villager shook his head in disbelief. I

KNEW IT! he screamed in his head.

"UNBELIEVABLE!" he shrieked. "I thought I told you all to stay out of my private life!"

(While all of this is all going on, Isabelle has opened the door for two "visitors" to the Mansion, and has started to converse and talk to them. Just wait for it...)

The energetic Princess of Sarasaland put tried to intervene with the whole situation since she was the one who triggered the fight. She'd put her hand on her chest and began,

"If I could offer my most professional advice, I-"

"NO!" Villager cut Daisy off.

"You said you'd ORGANISE things, but by the looks of it, you couldn't even be capable of organising your own KINGDOM!" he spat. 

Isabelle had just finished talking to the two people who had arrived in the Mansion and they walked into the Kitchen.

"...I will make up my OWN MIND about Turnip and Petal!" He continued to grill them.

Two-Timing VillagerWhere stories live. Discover now